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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. gratssssssssssss fatherhood changes life in such a good way
  2. Just upgraded my aging 8800 GTS with a ATI HD 4850 X2 card. I'm a little out of the loop with board technology but I noticed the card was a pci-e 2.0 version . . works fine in my aging 2 year old intel 975 chipset based motherboard however. . . but my motherboard is just standard 1.x pci-e 16x. My question is. . . should I upgrade my motherboard to the newest 2.0 pci-e version or will there be no real performance benefits there? I've read online. . with mixed reviews. Wanted some opinions here of people who have maybe upgraded recently. Thanks in advance! System specs: Q6600 Quad-Core Intel 975i Mobo 4GB DDR2 667 MEMORY ATI HD4850 X2 GRAPHICS
  3. As others have stated. . . data recovery is a very delicate process, and as such don't come cheap! I personally keep two backup drives of all my important files and photos for reasons like this.
  4. touche!!! mine has cool factor cause it's CHEAP though lol
  5. Very cheap and very cool lens. Allows you to take pictures with a 360 degree angle. . even shoot around corners! COVERT! http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/candid-photography-spy-lens
  6. It's more of a sci-fi action movie that uses the star trek name. . . it looks fantastic, and I've never been a fan of the series.
  7. 77 Toyota Celica GT ~ kinda japanese muscle http://blogs.discovery.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/06/25/img_04396_2.jpg
  8. Little before your time young one. Unless of course you were ever into CS.
  9. No reason to be harsh and completely shit in his thread. Although, that system is so outdated you would be lucky to see $50 for it. It barely has enough memory to run XP efficiently, and with the rapid dropping prices of brand new laptops (350 for some dual cores) you are just asking way too much. I've seen people give away this type of setup on CL if that tells ya anything. Just food for thought.
  10. Ohhh, classic oven jerky. . I forgot about that. My friends mom used to make that every deer season when I was a kid. . loved that shit!!!!
  11. That nfactor site totally confuses the hell out of me. Crazy in depth. I need someone to give me a rundown on that. Looks fun though and the realism is incredible from what I've read/seen.
  12. Nothing beats some good ol fashion homemade deer jerky =)
  13. Yeah, I was thinking about the g25, but this one I got has supposedly improved on that wheel, in terms of realistic force feedback. . versus just shaking when you wreck. However it was a toss up between the two. Now I'm thinking about getting a chair/wheel mount. Oh the money pit it will become. Thanks for the link! Looks hot!
  14. Picked up a Logitech Driving Force GT wheel today . . . specially designed for GT5. . . and I must say. . . it's incredibly fun. It also works for the PC which is awesome. I don't game much, but this might change that. Might pick up another for some LAN play. Anyone else into racing sims with a similar setup?
  15. There are two versions of windows. . one is a standard 32 bit version, and the more modern version is a 64 bit version. If your pc is older than a couple years, more than likely you're still on a 32 bit machine/processor. The terms 32-bit and 64-bit refer to the way a computer's processor (also called a CPU), handles information. The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are designed for use in computers with 32-bit or 64-bit processors, respectively. A 64-bit computer can process twice as much information as a 32-bit computer, and can have significantly more random access memory (RAM). This makes a 64-bit computer a good choice if you're working with video, large database searches, or games and other programs that require complex calculations and a lot of memory. A 32-bit computer works very well for most programs, however. For example, spreadsheet programs, web browsers, and word processing programs will run at about the same speed on either a 32-bit or a 64-bit computer.
  16. I ponder if the Camaro will actually come out in mass production
  17. I honestly thought this was going to be about WoW. Speaking of which. . the new patch is fantastic. Dual spec. FANTASTIC.
  18. Nope, you just aren't with the times my friend. Its actually pr0n, and its spelled this way so that it doesn't show up when someone searches the word "porn". It was introduced as a masking tool to prevent people from logging your involvement in less than reputable activities. Much like the original intent behind 1337 speak itself.
  19. Right, I wasn't calling you out Kev. . I was just saying for anyone who doesn't feel like I SHOULD HAVE got back the money. And yes, they could have gotten away with all of it. . . easily? Not a chance. LoL
  20. Yes, that is true. I would have never given someone 2500 cash regardless. I don't know what the wife was thinking. ANYWAYYYYY. . . I'm not out for revenge on these people, mainly cause I have a family to take care of. However, I will not feel sorry for them in any way or believe for one second what they did was "ok", and can only hope karma comes back on them for what they do to people. If you seriously think that I'm the one fucking them. . seriously re-evaluate this entire thread and put yourself in my shoes.
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