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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. yes casper!! =) Monica & Jeffrey Watts . . . they claimed to have owned the house on hardwood. And they definitely live at the basil western address.
  2. Good times. Kids are great.
  3. It's a good watch. Unbiased non-partisan video.
  4. LoL, thanks for the link Tim. And I'm not actually a real estate investor. . . I put that there as a joke. But like I said. . regardless of everything and how it went down. I'm probably gonna swing by their home on Saturday when they get back and see how that goes. Cross ya fingers for me!
  5. Yeah, that's when they unprofessionally said "sorry no refunds" and hung up. This is primarily the reason I seek revenge. I mean you'd think they would atleast talk about our options, and I didn't even sign this receipt. . . yet they happily took money from just my wife. . even after running both our credits. It just seems so shady and scammy I can't take it.
  6. I don't even know if it's a real company ~ they call themselves E&J properties ~ but I'm pretty sure it's just a married couple working from home. Like I said. . yes the receipt was signed. . . yes my wife should have read it THOROUGHLY. . . however she did not, and regardless they said if we decided not to move in before they got back from vacation we could have a refund. It would have been different if they would have made it clear that no refund was to be given on any money given to them. They get back Saturday. I'll see what I can do.
  7. I have a wii, 360, and ps3. . . and needless to say the 360 and wii are covered in dust. . . the ps3 is the whole package. . . blu-ray player, free online play, and new exclusives like killzone that just bury all else.
  8. LoL. Two wrongs don't make a right....(or do they). No but really. . I'm going to try to work something out with them when they return. Tell them to keep a couple hundred for the supposed day they didn't take calls. . . but seriously, it was obviously a planned scam, the only thing legit about it was the fact they do own the property and that they did give us a receipt. They just didn't go over the receipt, they didn't point out we weren't getting a refund. . then down at the bottom of this full page receipt in small print it's like "no refund for you bitch". I'm pretty bummed about it, but it didn't break me or anything. I just don't like giving away 2500. Who would? I'm gonna get this shit back one way or the other. I'll keep ya'll posted. Thanks for all the comments.
  9. That was wild. . . mentality is an interesting thing. Maybe her son beat her or something, who knows.
  10. Yes indeed. . . the wife fucked up and was way too over-eager to get into a new home. But the simple fact is, it was a rushed thing and done completely unprofessional on their side. And another fact is. . NO, they didn't take the house off the website, I even drove by and the signs were still out in the yard. So really that money just went towards their vacation and all verbal agreements made on their end were broken. Good news is my father is a Sergeant with the state highway patrol and an ex marine, so he has some intimidation factor. . thinking of bringing him into the mix, maybe stopping by in the cruiser after a shift. Could be a good time. Thanks for all the input!!! Such bullshit any way you look at it.
  11. Well they said over the phone we could have a refund for one. . and then to not go over the receipt and not even get out of the vehicle and make my wife sign as if they were "in a hurry". There has to be something I can do. Other than the obvious threats/showing up at their doorstep.
  12. I found the house online after doing some research http://we-sell-jwatts.successfast.net/property/index.cfm?ID=54056&start=1&sc=10037&propertytype=&winpop=0&show=1&listingsperpage=5 That was the property. And the people who scammed us. I wish I would have seen this first. What a sweet website address. *sigh* Oh and here's where the people live. . . apparently they make a killing. http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/birds-eye-view-map/33800374_zpid/#birds-eye-view
  13. UPDATE::: Got $2000 of the 2500 back. So this is kind of a long read, but I'd really like to know opinions on this if you are bored and have any ideas. So anyway. My wife and I were looking at buying a new home. . we found one we really liked. We went through the bank and tried to get a good loan, but right now we just can't get a good rate so we were looking at options for land contract with options to buy in a year or two. So we found this beautiful house, which conveniently placed out front had a sign with "rent to own". Awesome. We called about it, the people seemed nice and legit, and gave us the combination to the lockbox on the door. We looked at the home, perfect. Lets look into this more. So we called them and said we'd like to work a contract out. They said, "Well we can't do anything this week, we're getting ready to go to Cancun for a week vacation. . . would you be willing to put down a deposit of 2500 for us to take it off the market and hold it for you?" This was without going over any paperwork or anything and I was like "I'd prefer we went over the details before committing to anything." So they say "Well it's lease to own, we request a down payment of 5K which will go towards buying the home at fair market value within a year, and part of your payments will go towards buying the home." We then gave them our personal details so they could run a credit check and all that fun stuff and they said they would call us the next day. So they call us back the next day and said everything checked out. And after we thought about it for a day, we decided we would put the money down for them to atleast hold it for us while they were gone and sotp taking calls on it. But I was assured if things didn't work out we would get a refund. So my wife goes and meets them and gives the 2500 CASH!!! (WHYYYYYY..I do not know, I told her to write them a check, but apparently they worked her over the phone when I was working and said they preferred a cash deposit.) They meet her at a half-way point between us and them and give her a receipt. . they didn't even get out of their vehicle to greet my wife but did give her a receipt. My wife, being over-eager didn't read the receipt, but they explained it to her like this "If we decide not to do the contract upon returning from vacation, then we will refund your 2500 in full." And asked her to sign it, and they signed it. AT THE BOTTOM IN FINE PRINT OF THE RECEIPT IT READS "If you decide not to move forward with the lease option, this money paid is non-refundable." They did not go over this fine print, and sadly my wife did not read it when she was asked to sign the receipt. After I get home and read the receipt I'm pissed. But figure, what the hell. . we want the house. After another day, we were going over the house and our future options with purchasing it and we decided that we would be better off waiting to get a home and staying in the house we rent now. I call them, and tell them and ask if we can get a refund, or even a partial refund since they in theory "held it" for a day. . as we've changed our minds. . . they say any money you gave us we will not refund to you, and hung up. I AM INCREDIBLY PISSED. I know their names and know where they live. I really don't know what my legal options are if any since my wife signed a receipt. Any ideas guys? I think I'm probably fucked here.
  14. Has he ever been around other dogs. . if so. . how is he with them?
  15. So I'm wanting the computer gurus to chime in on this. Last summer I built what I thought to be a long lasting powerhouse at the time. . . a q6600 quad core, with 8800 gts 512 card, 4gb of ddr2 memory to name the basics. Now with the i7 launch and the gtx series of cards. . . it has me itching to upgrade. . . but is it worth it? I can still play through crysis and all current games on mid-high settings with decent FPS. . . soooo, any opinions/recommendations?
  16. Not too shabby. Although it just doesn't have that WoW factor I'm looking for. LoL. . . /end gayness
  17. ICP is for queers +1 for pandora. . . been using it since it launched
  18. Looking to move my current 42" 1080p in my living room to bedroom and get a 52" for the living room. My current one is about a year old, it's a philips, from their newest eco-tv line. . . I love it. . . and did a lot of research before buying it. . . however I've been hearing of some new technologies, and people are trying to push 120hz now and such with high def TV's (vs most at 60hz). . . . what should I be looking for in this upgrade? Thanks in advance!
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