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Posts posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. Hopefully if tomorrow is nice, I'm going to try some simply green and a few other things my brother suggested that I don't already have. I've never seen this kind of nastiness on a set of wheels. I already have about 30-35 wheel cleaning products and they usually get the job done, well not this time I'm gunna have to get something more drastic.
  2. I recently purchased a set of 10 spoke SS wheels and the clear seems to have brake dust baked into it as well as some rust trickle from where it sat under something that was rusting. The wheels themselves are in decent shape except for a scrape here and there. I'm wondering whats the cheapest way I can get these cleaned, and if I can't I guess I'm f'ed I dropped my last few hundred on them and won't put them on my car with the shape there in. I'd rather pick some steelies up at the junkyard and trade the junkyard man. Any help is appreciated. I'm also aware wheel medic does this kind of thing but I'm trying to stear away from paying 100$ a wheel for wheels I paid 325$ for total. Once again any help would be very appreciated.




  3. Get a P35 based motherboard. My Abit IP35E wastes most high end motherboards and I can link you to multiple websites where others have much success with it aswell. If you were going to overclock it I recommend the following:

    Crucial Ballistix Ram: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148069 Sure it'd only 1066 but it will hit way over that. My ddr2-800 Ballistix is doing 500fsb at 5-5-5-12 with 2.2v which is stock. And if they ever die you call Crucial and they send you new ones. Lifetime warentee pwns, especially with there no questions asked policy.

    As for the motherboard:

    Abit IP35-E: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813127031 It has the best banfg for the buck performance. The only side is the double boot, but hey if you never turn your pc of and ust let it run 24/7 like myself it's not really a con. I've built serveral core2duo machines but the above pieces I recommended are in my personal machine and none of the duo machines I've built touch mine in terms of speed and stability. I'll let Gillbot chime in on this one he can attest to my pc's baddass-ness.

  4. The Q6600 quad intel or new e8400 wolfdale core2duo mwill eat any amd cpu alive. Not to mention they hit insane overclocks with a decent heatsink. Hell my e6550 hits 3.5ghz with just a little voltage added -=P AMD was good with the AMD 64 but since Intel relased the core2 it owns AMD hard..


    For a few dollars more, get the big daddy video card. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127329


    Heres a review of why the old school 8800gt still rapes the new 9600 series cards.




  5. Ummm... sweet?


    You didnt say if you were selling it or not so should I just assume your rubbing it in? ;)


    Nah was just wondering if you'd be interested in one that was modded, if you are shoot me a PM. Not rubbing it in one bit.

  6. No curb damage. There are four. I can clean them up. This phone takes shitty pictures, but good enough to piss off the baby's mom and have her make a scene and get me kicked out of the Linkin Park concert. Anyways....


    Heh, I'm very interested. I have cash in hand but will only have money for rims atm and not tires. Hence the reason I'm selling/trading those 18's with tires I've been trying to find a set of 10 spokes since I bought the car in Jan and was either going to sell them then buy 10 spokes or trade outright for some 10 spokes with the same shape tires aka like new.

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