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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. I was born there, ended up moving to Columbus. Best decision ever.
  2. http://theresalduncan.typepad.com/witostaircase/images/acme_earthquake_pills_1.jpg
  3. Why wasn't the front door locked in general?
  4. You wanna die intentionally due to your masochist nature you're impatient; death comes eventually but you want instant gratification suicide's been attempted; you're not alive if you meant it and if you survive you'll be labeled demented and sent to somewhere expensive where they'll keep you stable with narcotics strapped to a table in a place full of psychotics locked in a rubber room unable to bash your skull or hang yourself with a cable It's ironic like a fable depression has infected you, you're under the impression It's best to put a Tech to your neck and apply pressure to the trigger mechanism. phew. Oh by the way, I'll be accepting hand outs from any random strangers. So if anyone wants to shoot a couple hundred dollars my way. PM me and we can arrange it.
  5. Welcome to CR. Always been a big fan of GTPs.
  6. Oh christ.. Don't even get me started...
  7. Free bump for a fellow SVT driver, damn clean Cobra. Hope your friend has good luck with the sale.
  8. I think my little brother could make a better looking web page than that garbage. I always forget how damn bad it looks. I'm pretty sure this is the correct place: Frontier Ranch, 8836 York Rd Sw Pataskala, OH 43062. 10 miles East of Columbus on U.S. Route 40 between Etna and Kirkersville.
  9. I'm going to stop driving, it's only bound to be me next. As said by numerous people, glad to hear that at least you are alright. Hope everything in regards to finding another whip works out for you man.
  10. You can never seem to stray away from them. They come in flocks fuck everything up then bounce. But don't worry, in all reality it's because I wish I was able to do dualing burnouts and race through the parking lot at QSL.
  11. My biggest vice is when I'm out drinking. I end up smoking way more than I normally do. I've tried to quit a few times cold turkey knowing the end result would be fail, which of course it was. So here I am today.. Pack of Newport 100s once a day. It's a habit that's robbing me of my hard earned money haha. Doesn't help much that all my friends are smokers as well. Good luck with quitting man, when you find that huge secret that makes you able to quit the next day fill us in on it.
  12. haha, looks like quite a few of us have had run ins with him on here.
  13. Because we have 1000hp stock and are always spinning All bullshit aside, you got yourself a sharp looking car. Any numbers or times?
  14. If I can drag the girlfriend out, I may make an appearance.
  15. The only question that matters period. Do you have VTEC?
  16. These guys went flying by us last night down lane avenue it was pretty nutty, followed by something crazy like 12 cruisers. I had no idea they ended up getting themselves killed. Dumb asses
  17. I just realized I PM'd you the wrong number (Mine is still correct).. It's not 0393, it's 3292. Got my folks numbers mixed up.
  18. Very interested.. Attempted to send you a PM but your inbox is full. Shoot me a PM when your available for me to come take a look at it.
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