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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. I just passed the Papa Johns on fifth avenue. It was slammed. The line was out to the sidewalk.
  2. Flyers Pizza is really good, I'm partial to Adriaticos. It's a heart attack and a half waiting to happen and I love it.
  3. Beat you to it. Every time I refresh this page there is another response haha.
  4. It will be carryout only, and there will be no online ordering. I'll head down there at some point today. Not looking forward to it but hell, 23 cents for a meal. Beats what else I've been eating every day this week.
  5. I would hate to be working at Papa Johns today.
  6. +1 I'm just not feeling how the car looks.
  7. Have George hold up the bike while you work on it. Give him a beer or two, he'll be fine.
  8. I'll be there, but my car will not be. I'm parking that fucker over at a friends house and ridding up with him, I'll let him take the chances with his car.
  9. Sent you a PM. It'll be dry before any police are even able to arrive at the condo. That's a guarantee.
  10. Damn, that's got to hurt like a bitch.
  11. Count me in, looks like the car will be getting a bath finally.
  12. +1 That thing was a beast. I think the member you are talking about on here posts under the name, "Bucknik" that's the only GTO that fits what you said on here that I know of. But it could very possibly be another member as well.
  13. He came through our shop before with his car, that man is a monster. it's funny because with his outward appearance you would think he would kill you on sight. But we had a blast shooting the shit with him, great guy.
  14. +1 On both counts. I would personally go for the GTO but in the end this is your car. I went the route of getting one car that doesn't get great gas mileage but is still fun to play with on the weekends (which was it's intention obviously), and then a daily driver solely for the purpose of getting decent mileage in. I couldn't be happier. But ultimately get something you will have a blast with and enjoy. Meanwhile not saying, "why the hell did I buy this" 6 months down the road.
  15. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/332492 Don't be hatin'. Looks like he finally got the car matching all around. whomp whomp whomp. On a side note, always good to see a nicely built up Civic on here. Ride looks sharp man. Any numbers?
  16. http://msnbcmedia4.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/050817/050817_grizzlyMan_hmed.hlarge.jpg
  17. Your car moved out each time I watched it make a pass, sounded mean too. Congrats on the times, 11's aren't to far out of reach.
  18. SVTPerformance.com, ColumbusRacing.com, Powerstroke.org, Gmail.com, lots of random news sites as well.
  19. I'll take what I can get. I mean, free is free right?
  20. Don't pop the sucker, the blister forms for a reason, to help with healing. If you do, it will take a bit longer to heal up and the scar could end up being worse and could lead to the possibility of a pretty nasty infection. But if you do go ahead and pop it just make sure to keep that fucker clean as you can. I have had my share of these damn burns, and my best advice is to just keep the area clean. Put some ointment on it, antibacterial stuff and what not, and try your best not to screw around with it. Just give it time.
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