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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. pshhh! Kenne Bell it and pray yo. Those SS's are running some damn good times out there though. They seem to be getting some impressive numbers with minor bolt on work. What are these things running in stock form?
  2. Now I just have to ask.. on what forums are Hammers discussed on?
  3. Nothing like being stuck at home sick, when the weather is nice as fawk outside. Gotta love it.
  4. That's what I always here. Maybe once when I actually have two seconds of free time away from the woman I'll swing by one. Any recommendations?
  5. I really need to drop my habit, it's just costing me too damn much. But Newport 100s are my smokes of choice. As far as the hookah goes, never been to one. A ton of my friends always call asking if I'd like to go but I always decline. Just doesn't seem like my thing. Maybe one day I will.
  6. Don't be hatin' just because it's better than anything you drive.
  7. Tell her to man up and get an R1, not that I'm bias or anything. Take her out and have her sit on a few bikes, see what she is comfortable on. But with that price range she won't have a chance to be too picky. Good luck with finding a bike, just make sure not to rush into anything. Because if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
  8. Bitch could have fooled me, at first glance I was positive she was a drag-queen.
  9. Nice 4x4 you got there. Drop that sucker.
  10. +1 I think the cars look a thousand times better without that dumb fucking huge spoiler on them. They look a hell of a lot cleaner without them. Nice car nevertheless, welcome aboard.
  11. The age old question... Funny stuff.
  12. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d126/xCCHCx/windagetray.jpg
  13. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40912 For those that don't really know.
  14. I'll be at the Supercross race in Indianapolis or else I'd be all about it. I actually completely forgot that they were having it here. :doh: But with the prices the tickets are going for, I think I'd have to pawn the truck just to afford a single seat.
  15. The easiest on the eyes body style Lude. Clean looking car and good numbers man. Welcome.
  16. Never had any sort of problems really with any of my verizon phones, I've been with them since Freshman year of highschool I believe. They've always replaced my phones if needed with no questions asked and very little hassle. (Even when one I had did have, had 'water' damage as a whole two liter of Mt. Dew dumped onto the phone completely killing it, thanks Luke) But they've always seemed to have better service than any of my friends carriers. No complaints on my end.
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