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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. I might as well live there, ugh. Nothing caps the night of drinking off like Waffle House. Now the result of being drunk + Waffle House never amounts to much fun but the food is too damn unhealthy and good to pass it up.
  2. Typical Vette owner . I liked the guy shoveling snow in the backround, he just stops stares at them for a minute or two then goes right back to it.
  3. I can't wait to create an account!!!
  4. Christ I love these cars. Bump for another helluva deal Marauder. I'd love to have one for a DD, just don't got the finances at this point.
  5. A kid that went to my high school got a doctors excuse for illegal/legal tint due to suffering from extreme migraines brought on by light and I can only imagine other factors as well, whether or not his story was BS or not I don't know. But that's what was said. So he drove around a busted up car with the darkest windows I have ever seen in my life.
  6. Someone has way to much time on their hands, very cool nevertheless.
  7. That dude meant business, nothing like getting the evil eye after getting your pants ripped completely off.
  8. http://www.chumfm.com/MorningShow/bits/march24.swf This may not be the best post of all time, but this guys laugh is contagious each time I hear it I just lose it. I figured a few people would get a good laugh out of it.
  9. Bump for a car that has potential with the right buyer.
  10. One reason I leave my guns at home and they don't got for rides with me unless it's to the range.
  11. I'm going to buy one only to look cool in front of my friends.
  12. One of my favorite cars, fucking sex on wheels. Good luck with the sale man. At that price it shouldn't be too hard for that thing to be gone.
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