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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Must be nice, Saturdays at Valvoline are like hells pit opened up. It's just non-stop all day. Haven't been as bad due to the Buckeye games these past few weeks. But still hate going in Saturday.
  2. Put a good word into my parents weekly prayer group. Just keep your head up, I wish you the best.
  3. http://www.marriedtothesea.com/032306/seriously.jpg
  4. http://www.jtmotz.com/index.php?pageStewardLink=2448 Little backround info/updates.
  5. http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t4/DevilinDupriest/Wierdness/srsly.png
  6. Do you have any exterior pictures of the car?
  7. The best part of seeing those jet cars, is the stagging. You can feel your chest just thump each time they hit the throttle to get to the tree.
  8. Bastard. I just got off work, no twiddling of thumbs for me today.
  9. He was racing at National Trails on sunday. I only remember because of the horrible decals and the big spoiler. And on his window doesn't it say something to the effect of. "slower traffic keep right". Trash all around. Looked like some older wigger guy driving it. All I know is that he was from Grove City. Don't know the driver or nothing.
  10. Well I shall retire for the night. I don't know how the hell you all do it. I'm exhausted.
  11. Regretting not going to bed considering that I have work at 9am.
  12. superchevy72 Is the only Bill I can think of right off the top of my head with a Nova. Edit: Just realized what a pointless post I just made. It's 1:16.. I'm running on nothing, I apologize.
  13. Wait for others to find it and post it. haha. http://www.spamfreeforums.com/WMWPB/ Link to postings of photobuckets, the link looks sketchy but it's legit.
  14. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/189227 I usually hate Newgrounds, but tonight for some reason I was tooling around the site out of pure boredom and ran across this game. For all you late night freaks, it's really not to bad. It made me jump a few times. So if you're looking for something just to kill time, this is it. Very clean, crisp, and creepy game to play. Figured I'd get my post count up off this dumb thing. Well I have work at 8 in the morning, so I'm off here. Enjoy.
  15. Highlight of the day yesterday aside from the racing was the announcer calling out the little kid that stole a banner. "Sure, hang it up with proud show what you stole. There you go."
  16. Sweet Jesus, my car would be under some coverage ASAP. That's just insane.
  17. Never got hassled about it to much by any police aside from Grandview. I just take the fines and go on my way.
  18. I got my ass burned today sitting in those damn bleachers. Very clean looking car and looks like you had some great runs put in. I watched it make a few passes today. What was your best run?
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