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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. http://www.spamfreeforums.com/WMWPB/ For you photobucket freaks.
  2. I recently just acquired a 1990 Chevy Cavalier as stated in the headline. It's a 2.2L inline four. This car is only used for strictly to and from work and nothing more so this issue isn't a huge deal but just more of a headache. It is by definition a beater but a car never-the-less. There is only one problem that has plagued me. If I get off work late and have to drive at night after a little while into the trip the headlights just flicker on and off with no apparent rhyme nor reason. Just out of nowhere they go mad. It's not like a set timing, it can be after half an hour of driving or thirty seconds. I have checked the fuses and lights and they are all fine, the battery is new. I'm assuming this is just a bad ground but even if it is I don't know how to check for even that and I don't know how to even fix that. (I apologize for such a n00b question.) The tail lights/running(parking) lights do not experience this problem. It's strictly the headlights. It does it regardless of being high beams or low. They just start freaking out, if I turn just the running lights on and then pull it back out so that the headlights are turned back on it will fix it temporarily (But sometimes only lasting maybe a block at best). I have a video of the problem, but I highly doubt that will add anything. I'm just trying to diagnosis this problem and hopefully figure out how to fix this dumb delima. I picked this car up for 500 dollars so I wasn't expecting much but headlights are important, I've already been pulled over once for it. I just want this headache done with. TIA - David.
  3. I'm shocked to hear the news. It's incredibly saddening to hear about anybody so young passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family. RIP Chris.
  4. I can't say anything that nobody else hasn't pointed out. So good luck with everything man, I wish you the best outcome.
  5. Only a fist fight will be able to resolve this. Cars can't do the talking anymore.
  6. Ryan your car couldn't touch a Hyundai so just see your way out of this thread. I had no idea you were out of Columbus, I guess I've just been out of the loop. inb4dakitchenmove
  7. I'm curious as where the guy got the 18 grand idea from, did he just pull it out of his ass and figure it was a good 'base' asking price.
  8. Were we looking at the same guy?
  9. QFT. DSMs strong point: Reliability. Welcome aboard. Keep your sense of humor with you at all times.
  10. "Answer: not type-o mostly just want to trad" Obviously you don't understand the retail of crushed velvet in 81 Z applications.
  11. I was here. Toyota Van FTW.
  12. Eh, not all that fond of it. But I'm still on the fence when it comes to its styling.
  13. I'll be using them August 9th to fly out to Missouri, then on my way to Colorado Springs. Also have tickets through them to head to New Hampshire. I'm interested on how the whole flight will be.
  14. I'm not sure, I thought I saw that she talked about Lord of the Rings real shortly.
  15. Gotta love CR for the million and one topic changes in each thread.
  16. Zavala, who admits he's been involved in street racing, estimates he and his mother spent about $10,000 on improvements to his car. That is all.
  17. Six dead. Learned about it this morning, really sad to hear. My prayers go out to the families involved.
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