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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Jesus, why can I never have the cash when something like this comes along. What I would do for another 5.0 Bump for a clean ass four eye!
  2. That's what I was thinking. But wow talk about impressive.
  3. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=262951e369 Hopefully not a repost.
  4. Wow, all I know is if I was dumb enough to drink it in the first place. I'd just throw up all over the 'host'.
  5. QFT. What was he thinking? Good looking girl + 800hp car = Great idea?
  6. heh, my car is the epitome of beater, it gets me from point A to point B and that is it, nothing else. Just another reason why I love it. I feel bad for my neighbors at this point, a few really nice cars got scored some serious hits.
  7. That's almost what I've been thinking. A buddy of mine suggested purple something but I can't exactly remember what it was called. I have work in the morning so I guess I'm going to have to let it sit overnight. I worked at trying to get it off for a good 15 minutes. I'm just happy this is my literal beater and not my pride and joy. So I guess in all this I have one thing to be happy about. :shrug:
  8. And I'm surprisingly I'm not too pissed. Tonight after I returning home from work, I noticed that my Towncar had some odd new 'paint' to it. Apon further inspection I noticed that someone had egged my car. A number of my neighbors had also been egged, four other cars I believe so i'm assuming it's just some punkass kid. It got hit on the windshield, the hood and hit pretty bad on the driver side. (No pictures sorry ha) One problem that I ran into was, it's forzen solid against my car. I'm assuming that my car had been egged well in advance of me finding it. I went out with the old warm water, towel and a scrub brush. But it just won't come off. I'm not even sure exactly what to do to get rid of the egg on the car to begin with, I understand that it is best to get rid of the egg immediatly but are their any tricks of the trade to egg removal? I apologize for the n00b question just need some tips. Fortunitly this car dosen't mean a whole heep to me and any damage done is a, 'oh well it was only 600 dollars' mind setting. I'd just like to know moreso what to do in case a situation like this happens again. Gah, that was alot of writing just for a simple question.
  9. Same here. As far as the car goes. How do you like it thus far? Also congrats on the new whip!
  10. Regardless of any argument, that is one clean looking Saleen.
  11. Sounds like something the Grandview Police would do.
  12. Well, he forgot the most important one. Real big across the front windshield in Old English letters get, "I UNDERSTAND" everyone will know you understand including the terrain and it will bow before you.
  13. Maybe this year we could add a class to the already said bench racing roster. Amphibious? Just shooting out the idea.
  14. I decided this year to go a different rout from the typical fiberglass/wooden bodied bench. And go full on concrete. Mind you it has not been done yet and I will be breaking unfamiliar ground but I'm looking forward to a challenge. 10xworse consider yourself called out. Your Ikea will be no match for the sheer destruction of what is, the 'concrete wonder'.
  15. It sounds pretty set up, but it still got a good chuckle out of me.
  16. It'll sell to soccer moms. Because the complexities of parallel parking are just to much for them to handle.
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