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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Right Click Save As... graemlins/wtf.gif He's lucky as hell he didn't get to have the great experience of hydrolock!
  2. I don't even have words to express how I feel after reading that. I remember watching the time to time coverage of it on CNN. I'm at a complete loss for words. RIP
  3. Who's up for starting a new body farm up?
  4. "She wasn't wearing the gear cuz it was hot, and that's how they wanted to do the shoot, or somethin...I dunno." ahahah
  5. Saleen = Amazing. Like it or hate it, it is one sick car.
  6. Pull the troops out drop the Nukes. That is all.
  7. You heard it from Satan himself. That's saying something. graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. ANYONE WHO WANTS INVITES JUST PM ME WITH YOUR NAME AND E-MAIL ADDY last name DOES NOT have to be included if you do not wish for it to be. I will glady hook you up no questions asked.. Thanks.
  9. On a side note.. Not to steal this thread or anything. On my way to my girlfriends house last night I was sitting at a stop light right by the Lennox shopping center when I noticed a 'Cobra' (Didn't get a close enough look to verify) drive by covered in Yellow stickers down the side. It had a double stack spolier on the back and Euro's it appeared to be like a 99 or so it was black and disgusting. If your on this board. I hope you crash your car and it goes to a person who will make it much better off. =)
  10. I'm telling you.. Straight Edge is where it's at mutha fackos!
  11. I was sitting in homeroom at GHHS when one of the attendence people came in and said he thought that he heard about a Plane hitting the World Trade Centers. To be honest at the time I had no idea what or where they were. I remember going into the room next to us with about 2 dozen people crammed around one little television I pushed my way to the front just in time to see the second plane hit. My jaw just dropped. I felt queezy and what not. I was trying to figure out why and wtf was going on. Then the bell rang to go to our next class but nobody really did move. We were all glued onto the picture of the WTC's. I eventually ran to my next class turned on the TV and watched more. It was to hard to concentrate on school work. Before I knew it the next school bell rang. I went to Economics, and the dumb bitch wouldn't let us watch it! She said we had more important things to do! I remember the whole class being really pissed off about it, she was acting like this wasn't some big deal. I just walked out of her classroom and went back to another one of my teachers rooms just in time to see the first tower collapse. I remember thinking 'Jesus Christ, is this really happening?' Then time kind of intertwined with itself and I remember seeing the second tower falling. Then I remember being home with my family just praying. It's still so fresh in my memory. By far the most haunting thing I have ever seen and ever intend to see. I think it was the first thing that I ever really cried about, I'm usually really into morbid things. But this was just all too real feeling. My dad I guess knew somebody who died in the WTC so it hit him really hard. RIP; NEVER FORGET
  12. Right Click Save As.... I don't think this is the same one but it goes around the same lines. This is for my homies with the B16s The B18s, the D16s, The H22s, and the F22s The S2K, the Element too And if you drive a teg Yo props for you I hip hop for you I drive my Integra every day to school I cut my rims and I act a fool When I drive by the mall all the bitches drool They be like "woah, ****, your car is cool Can I have a ride?" Baby hop inside. VTEC baby B18C5 VTEC baby Yeah we doing it live If it ain't a tight car then it ain't a Type R If it ain't a Type R then it ain't a tight car If it ain't a Type R then it ain't a tight car If it ain't a tight car then it ain't a Type R I love my Honda like I love my ganja I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana I love my Honda like I love my ganja I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana Yeah, I wanna give a shout-out to hondatech.com, and all the homies with Civic hatchbacks with H22s in em. And spoon engines. And all the good shizzle for rizzle my nizzle. Haha, I'm just stunnin¡® on this one. Type R! It ain't a tight car if it ain't a Type R I drive a four door LS, holla Yeah Shout-out to all my boys in Kelso sup fucking street racers And to all my dogs with HID Throw your motherfucking hands up and follow me And if you a pimp with HIDs Throw your motherfucking hands up Yeah I love my Honda I love my Honda like I love my ganja I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana I love my Honda like I love my ganja I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana
  13. I have 11 left. Holl atcha boi if you want some!
  14. White = Pure Sex, very clean car man! Congrats! graemlins/thumb.gif
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