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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. I have 5 invites left.. PM me with your e-mail addy and name and I'll sign you up!
  2. My friend works for Google.. I got the g-mail service through him, and the invites just came with the g-mail.
  3. Walmart Wedding... http://www.tehfunnies.com/board/images/smiles/willol.gif Please just end your life... I'm begging you.
  5. ahahahaha! That was the funniest thing I've seen in awhile!
  6. Right Click... Save As graemlins/wtf.gif This video features some of North Korea's 'Genius Kids' in a recent 2004 New Year's performance on Korean and Japanese TV. Used by legal permission. See more of The Genius Kids dancing together here. Bullshit or no?
  7. I agree completely with you.
  8. Yeah totally, I was thinking exactly the same thing.
  9. Me and my friend were pulled over by a local rookie Grandview cop, but the thing was when she pulled us over she couldn't think of the reason that she did so. First it was because we only had a rear tag and so my friend stated that it was because they are temp tags and they don't give you a front plate. So after deciding that maybe that wasn't the angle to take the approach at she told us we were speeding which I know for a fact we weren't. My friend politly asked if he could see the radar fixed and then she suddenly changed her story yet again to, I know you have been drinking. I smell alcohol. So she made my friend get out of the car and do a field sobriety test which he obviously passed with flying colors. He got back in the car she just then decided to take his license and registration back to her car. We sat there for around 15 minutes until she came back and mentioned that she knew one of us had been drinking, we all offered to take the test but she said, 'she didn't have time' or some bullshit like that. If she really thought we were drinking shouldn't she have done something? But in the end she just let us go but first she had to call backup to make sure that we weren't going to end her life I guess? I really hate this Grandview cop.. She's young and blonde. She's pulled me over more times then I can ever remember and never has a excuse.
  10. Damn man that really sucks to hear! I've never had a car hit or anything, I can only imagine that the sucking factor is through the roof! I hope everything works out for you.
  11. psh I can bang through gears faster in the CSVT haha.. oh wait no I can't..
  12. I saw this video AWHILE back.. I used to have the orignal post from some of the kids in that video.. I'll try and find it, it was hilarious what they were saying, they were trying to act like they were super hard from doing it and being on TV. Fucking dipshits.
  13. I'm sorry to hear that, I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. RIP
  14. All my fish were eaten by something.. I don't know what. Stupid fucking fish
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