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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Right Click, Save as.. Enjoy! graemlins/burnout.gif I'm really hoping that this is set up. But regardless as to wether or not it is.. It's still funny as hell.
  2. http://www.playersrun.com/roadrally/d07/Images/12.jpg graemlins/finger.gif
  3. Torque = BEST.MOVIE.EVER!! graemlins/jerkit.gif
  4. Jokes people.. Jokes, me hit a girl? Fuck that. It's wrong and sickening, I've never planned on ever hitting a girl and never will. If I wanted to see that shit then I'd just sit at home.
  5. +1 :mumble mumble: [ 09. August 2004, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Eastside Juggalo ]
  6. 144 in the SHO, and around 135 something in the SVT, both cars = too slow to take to the track graemlins/jerkit.gif
  7. What an idiot! Do you know how the lady is doing now? She's lucky that truck didn't totally ruin her, most car to truck crashes I've heard of didn't end all that well, hope she's ok.
  8. I wanted to.. I felt bad for the family because they appeared to be from a different country (they were a middle eastern family, not to sound racist or any shit) it was a rental car (minivan) and they pretty much had all their shit packed in the back. But that is just speculation, but I still hate that idiot.
  9. Are you kidding?! COBRAS CAN NEVER EVER LOSE!!!
  10. AustinL911: they run 15's in the quarter....that's NOT fast My poor SHO.. tsk tsk!
  11. Thanks bro, didn't feel like reading all of it got through around 3 pages and died.
  12. lmfao! SO TRUE!! Sketchy ricers!
  13. haha, that's funny.. Alot of the grocery stores have little togle switches right around the top of the door or in the middle of the divider that you can have them stay open perminatly or closed so even when someone walks up it won't open. I've had some good times with keeping them closed. oh yeah being a Cashier still fucking sucks.
  14. I'm not sure if this deserves to be in the Kitchen section so mods can do as that want with this. To start off I just got back from California tonite after going to attend a family reunion. I went with my father and younger brother, after sight seeing for a few days around San Fransisco and Santa Cruz and what not we decided to head out to Yosemite National park because neither I or my brother had ever been there. Everything was going just fine unti l we decided to head on up to Glacier Point which goes along a VERY curvey road and the Speed limit there is 20 tops, and it seemed almost impossible to go at that pace. I went there we got out and took some pictures got back in and headed on our way when out of nowhere this newer Eclipse Spyder starts ridding my dads ass, he did this for quite some time I was worried he was going to rear end us. But this fucking retarded decides that he's going to pass us on a blind turn, there are NO guardrails or any thing around here, it's sketchy as hell so he goes to fly by and my dad is like, 'what is this idiot doing?' the guy pulls up right next to my dad and just kinda looks at him then jerks his car at us?! lol I guess it's funny to me now but I was scared shittless at the time.. looking out the window to see a sheer drop off of a few thousand feet isn't very fun, so the guy goes and cuts my dad off. The guy didn't have ANY license plates or anything. He floors it and is gone until around 30 minutes later when I notice he's pulled over on the side of the road, and what's in front of him.. A family in a minivan he clipped them and RUINED the backend of their car. When I saw this I was really happy but at the same time I felt horrible for this family that got rearended out of nowhere by this stupid faggot. I noticed a tow truck go by a little later down the road. I would have pefered this fucking idiot run off the side of the cliff. What makes someone try to fly through a real dangerous stretch of road, passing someone while going around a blind turn, around the edge of a cliff. I hope this fucker burns in hell. That is all I have to say. Pardon my spelling and what not it's way to fucking early it seems like..
  15. Ford > The World eh.. truest story ever!
  16. FUCK reality TV! Worst Idea in the history of bad ideas.
  17. Thats the coolest thing I have ever seen! What a pimp!
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