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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. You do what you gotta do to your dogs Mr. Potato.
  2. How is it the dogs fault that your kid was grabbing at the dogs face and it nipped her???? MORE FUCKING DERP LOGIC. ermagurd my kid was grabbing the dog on the face and the dog didn't like it so it bit back. THAT DOG WONT BE DOING THAT AGIAIN I GUARANTEE THAT!!!!! :dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:
  3. Theres CLEARLY some cat owners/ animal haters in this thread. Why is it the dogs fault that the kid fell on it and it nipped at them? derp logic. I have 2 twin boy infants and when they get older and fuck with my dog and he nips back i'm sure not gonna be all "herp derp stupid dog, time to throw you out or put you down." They will learn. Its not the dogs fault. If you can't realize that then you shouldn't own animals in the first place. But also like others said. You should claim alpha in the beginning in case he nips/acts aggressive out of nowhere. I have no problem snatching up my dog and putting him to the ground to show him not to do certain things or act a certain way. For the most part he's good.
  4. Kid falls on dog, Dog nips at her. YOU can't understand why??? :dumb:
  5. What the hell are you guys doing thats blowing out all your knees???
  6. What color? If purple then it could've been Tom on here
  7. Yeah, that 2J sounds like an R1.... :dumb:
  8. That thing has to be a beast on the road with 200 to the flywheel. I'm sure you go through tires fast. you'd have no problem blowing the doors off new mustang GT's and camaro ss's
  9. Indeed it is. Steps on being a Douche: 1) Join cr 2) dont make any types of threads/posts except 1 thread. see below 3) Make "fast list question" thread knowing he is prolly the fastest on CR
  10. FOR SALE - 2010 Denali (in sig pic) - $41k w/wheels $40K w/o wheels. PM for info
  11. I think it would be pretty close with the Audi ttrs and your mini. You'd prolly beat him pretty good if you had a tune
  12. Maybe NWS http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/straydog.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/nxkih3jpg.gif
  13. Thanks for helping me. Don't want anybody using them as their own. Could you do the first one for me as well? Thanks
  14. I was out at Alum to walk around and get some fall photos. I had to crop but it's first time I've seen and captured a bald eagle in Ohio. I'm excited to get some good shots. What do you think? http://i.imgur.com/Y3VXB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mWhdm.jpg
  15. $9200 isn't bad for that. I still would've got the 800 since I'm already spending that much :fuckyeah:
  16. I hope no snow drops so plow guys get angry
  17. Aww that's a cute lil razor. Looks good. Too expensive though in my mind to ever buy. Fuck paying $12k and up for an all terrain TOY.
  18. Find your own shit you lazy fuck. We're not your own personal GOOGLE.
  19. The samsung actually lasted a ton longer before getting shredded. The iphone got shredded immediately
  20. straight up :lolguy: I can see half of the CR nerds doing this. But prolly getting stomped out.
  21. I seriously lol'd bc I didn't see that commin with the yellow car.
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