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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. I need more pistols/revolvers. http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/Austin_Pistols.jpg
  2. http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/Austin_12FV.jpg http://www.ohio-firearms.com/Austin/Pictures/Austin_93R17BVSS.jpg My new baby: http://i35.tinypic.com/qys2du.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/6ds3so.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2lmtagn.jpg
  3. http://i34.tinypic.com/iwixki.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/2q8yl9z.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/xlarf9.jpg
  4. Here's a thought. Instead of increasing taxes all the time to cover our careless spending, how about we first learn to manage the money we've got? Sounds like a swell idea to me.
  5. -(3) Mega Machine shop AR-15 uppers; stripped .jpg' alt='> .jpg'>
  6. Salary Paycheck Calculator Your Pay Check Results Annual Gross Pay - $30,000.00 Federal Withholding - $2,522.50 Social Security -$1,860.00 Medicare - $435.00 Ohio - $806.25 City Tax - $2,100.00 Net Pay - $22,276.25 Calculation Based On Tax Year 2008 Gross Pay - $30,000.00 Pay Frequency - Annual Federal Filing Status - Married # of Federal Exemptions - 0 Additional Federal W/H - $0.00 State - Ohio Filing status - Regular Exemptions - 0 Additional State W/H - $0.00 City Tax - 7 % So, currently, according to this paycheck calculator, a guy making $250k/yr pays 27% of what he makes, and the 'other guy' only pays about 8%. How is that fair? And Obama wants to widen that gap? Fuck him. Way to reward the guy that got off his ass and made something of himself.
  7. Salary Paycheck Calculator Your Pay Check Results Annual Gross Pay - $250,000.00 Federal Withholding - $67,607.25 Social Security - $6,324.00 Medicare - $3,625.00 Ohio - $14,242.55 City Tax - $17,500.00 Net Pay - $140,701.20 Calculation Based On Tax Year 2008 Gross Pay - $250,000.00 Pay Frequency - Annual Federal Filing Status - Single # of Federal Exemptions - 0 Additional Federal W/H - $0.00 State -Ohio Filing status - Regular Exemptions - 0 Additional State W/H - $0.00 City Tax - 7 % So on the off chance that I make $250k/year, I pay enough in taxes to adequately support atleast 2 worthless families? And that's STILL not enough? :gtfo:
  8. Get yourself a USC and convert it. http://www.hkpro.com/usc.jpg
  9. Wasn't going for 'hard.' The title is more or less what I was aiming for.
  10. It was a machine gun shoot. Most, if not all of the weapons were probably loaded. Still, I'm gonna have to agree the kid shouldn't have been shooting any fully automatic weapons at the age of 8. His father is purely responsible. Should have waited until he was atleast 9.
  11. Think there will be any?
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