Salary Paycheck Calculator
Your Pay Check Results
Annual Gross Pay - $30,000.00
Federal Withholding - $2,522.50
Social Security -$1,860.00
Medicare - $435.00
Ohio - $806.25
City Tax - $2,100.00
Net Pay - $22,276.25
Calculation Based On Tax Year 2008
Gross Pay - $30,000.00
Pay Frequency - Annual
Federal Filing Status - Married
# of Federal Exemptions - 0
Additional Federal W/H - $0.00
State - Ohio
Filing status - Regular
Exemptions - 0
Additional State W/H - $0.00
City Tax - 7 %
So, currently, according to this paycheck calculator, a guy making $250k/yr pays 27% of what he makes, and the 'other guy' only pays about 8%. How is that fair? And Obama wants to widen that gap? Fuck him. Way to reward the guy that got off his ass and made something of himself.