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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. yellow cobra??? J.R? Only yellow mustang that comes to mind that I might somewhat know.?
  2. 14.2 to be correct, and it was the second day I'd ever driven the car...or a stick. Never had it to the track after that. BTW, who the hell are you?
  3. Some specs on the garage we're gonna build. It'll be roughly 40' wide x 30' deep. The lift I'm looking at is an Eagle lift with a floor crossover. The lift is 9' tall, so I was thinking I'd give the garage area 10'-10.5' ceilings, and the apartment area 8' ceilings. ( I think that's the normal height?) Does a 40' wide garage sound wide enough for 3 cars? I think a normal width garage door is 8' wide, and we will have 3 seperate doors, all side by side. Here's the lift I'm looking at: Lifting capacity 9000 lbs. Lifting speed 50 seconds Motor Rating 2HP 220vac Amperage 20 amps. Lifting height with adapters 79" Width overall 134" Height overall 109" Pad height adjustment 3 1/4" - 10" Shipping weight 1500 lbs. Thanks again for all the help.
  4. Good info. Didn't know that. Thanks What kinda power do we need to run a lift?
  5. We're going to be building a detached garage next spring/summer, and I'm trying to decide on somethings before I attemt to design this garage. First off, it'll be a 3 car garage with an apartment above it. I'm trying to come up with a way to make the apartment work with the high ceiling required for a lift. This brings me to my first question. What height ceilings do you guys recommend for a 2 post lift? Second question, what type of lift would you recommend? I was thinking just a 2 post lift. Any particulart brand I should be looking at? or needed options? Thanks.
  6. My computer went out in my '01 2.2 cavalier in myrtle beach on my senior trip. Nothing like towing a car back to ohio....680miles away....fuckin cavaliers. I knew I should have taken the T/A at the time.
  7. I've heard it's some place in PA. It's supposed to weigh 9lb. and nobody has finished it.....ever. if it's the same one I'm thinking about. It's also $24. read it in a mag. somewhere.
  8. I believe the 'skyline' is only a G35
  9. Just curious...is your buddy jay from the Ashville area?
  10. I'd love to make it out to more races whenever I get another car. For now, I just hang about an 1/8 mile behind the pack and do some taping.
  11. According to my mother, the power company told her that we'd have high speed internet through the power outlets in our house within the next 2 months (2 months ago.) I've never even heard of highspeed internet through the powerlines/outlets whatever. The only type I knew of was through the phone line and the cable line, and satelite. Anybody have anymore info on this? There is no other broadband offered where we live, so if this power company thing is true, that'd be sweet. Any info?
  12. Rarely does it ever connect to the network for me. And when it does, it only stays connected for a few minutes. It keeps asking me if I'd like to download the newer version of it, but I always deny it, because I have dialup, and it'd take forever. Do you think getting the newer version would help my conncetion problems? Thanks.
  13. seen it before. and yes....awesome.
  14. It's a C5R block. But, none the less, they probably have a assload of potential. smile.gif
  15. me and self restraint don't get along to well. Lay him out. sort it out later.
  16. didn't register in time...so...no vote from me. Oh well, I really didn't have a clue what was happening anyways. I don't like either of them in all honesty.
  17. done that before. brake cleaner will eat it off. If you spray it on the roof, it will re-liquify the stuff. smile.gif
  18. I've been playing it. As was said before. The size of the game is HUGE! I'll never figure out how to find my way around. Overall, awesome game so far.
  19. I'm not too familiar with all the new computer tech. But I can hold my own. I was thinking about setting up some kind of server in a room of our house to store all of my movies and junk on to keep it off of the harddrive on my computer. One that I could use to host images and movies for people if they so wanted. I would like to set the house up with Wireless stuff also, so we wouldn't have to run wires everywhere. I've never did this before. Anyone have any pointers for me? Estimated cost of doing this? I was thinking, one central server, with probably 3 other computers that would have wireless access to it. Maybe designate one additional harddrive on the server to each of the 3 other computers? I would be correct in my assumption that a server is just a bigass harddrive that everybody has access too, right? If I'm understanding that correctly. Any help you could give would be great. Thanks.
  20. Not a problem. The guy with the Black LT1 Camaro helped too. smile.gif I felt like a moron riding up to an F-body event in my cavy. But the WS.6 is no more.
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