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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. My point ---------- :gabe: Your head Hitting someone in the legs during that situation is a very low percentage shot. Nor would it do a thing to stop them. That's why you train for center mass hits; its where you're most likely to connect and where you're most likely to hit something that will stop them in their tracks. And you'd be wrong on your second point.
  2. Why not just shoot his gun when it comes out?
  3. That cop put himself in a terrible position. The tactically smart thing to do would have been to shoot him. Retreating that far was stupid. He knew he was on camera and didn't do what needed to be done because of it.
  4. This. It just happened to work out that the guy finally gave up, which was surprising. Take a look at how far the cop back-pedaled from his car. I'd have given the guy a few steps before anchoring his ass to the pavement.
  5. Same as a man! .....until you're not.
  6. The law: http://archives.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=130_HB_234 In a nutshell: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20141219/ohio-comprehensive-pro-gun-reform-legislation-signed-into-law-today
  7. As of March, CLEOs are legally obligated to sign off on them. Well, at least for suppressors. Print out the law and hand it to them if you want to go the individual route.
  8. A herd of Chinamen could do better than that.
  9. Bought it today on BluRay. Love this movie. The only thing that pisses me off is the 'Love is a Force' bullshit. I also can't stand Anne Hathaway. Other than that, it's freaking awesome.
  10. Big Dog Steel is out of Ohio and deals in this stuff. You might try them.
  11. Those kids also need to work on crash avoidance. Veering onto the the berm? Better yank this fucking steering wheel as hard as I can the other way.
  12. I work nights so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
  13. Camera guys also a dipshit for getting the lady out of the car.
  14. 1. Get a good, solid rest and put the gun on it. A sandbag or bag of beans can be made to work. Get creative. 2. Bore sight it. Once the scope is on and secured (evenly), pull the bolt out and look down the barrel towards the muzzle. Doing this, point the barrel at the target. Now, don't move the gun. Adjust the crosshairs to where the bore is pointing. Put bolt back in. Your gun is now bore sighted. 3. I like starting out at a closer distance in case my bore sight is slightly off. Say, 25 yd. This will keep you from chasing bullets that don't hit the target. Aim at center of target and shoot a round (I typically shoot three and take the average). Now, move your reticle to match where the bullet hit. If the bullet hit 1" low and 1" right, you would need to move the POI up 1" and Left 1". Take a look at the turrets on your scope to determine how much each "click" moves the reticle. Typically, it will be something like, 1 click = 1/4" @ 100yd. Keep in mind, however, that if you shoot at 25yd, each click will only be 1/4 of that movement; i.e. each click will only move the POI 1/16". So, ultimately you would move 16 clicks left, and 16 clicks up. Do this a few times to fine tune it. Once its where you want it, move the target to 50 or 100 yd (or wherever you want your "zero". Repeat the process. You will probably find that your POI has dropped the further out you go, so you will probably have to adjust for that. 4. Your rifle is now zeroed for what you want. Make sure all of your mounts are tight before starting this process or you will drive yourself crazy chasing your POI.
  15. Gun Envy is probably your closest bet. Though I find it hard to believe the receiver isn't already drilled and tapped. Does it have irons on it?
  16. If they had cameras that caught people turning into the far lane every time they turned, I would be all for that. I fucking hate when people do that and damn near everybody does it. Red light cameras can suck a dick though.
  17. Not a single question. Me: I want my balls clipped. Him: ok.
  18. Dr. Herb (Riemenschneider) with Riverside Urology. Was seriously the easiest thing ever. He's not the friendliest, but I'm not sure I want some overly nice guy messing with my nuts. 1. Go see him. Tell him you want your balls snipped. Schedule appointment. Get Valium scrip. 2. Take 1 Valium 30 min before your appointment. 3. Show up to appointment. Take 3 more Valium. Fall asleep. 4. Get woken up. Feelin' good. Have man get closer to your balls than you would ever be comfortable with. Don't matter, you're strung out on Valium anyways. Wait 20 min. No real pain. 5. Receive bag of peas for your boys (not kidding - they really gave me a bag of frozen peas...). go home with Percocet scrip. 6. Take two Percocet and go to sleep. Save other 28 for a rainy day because there really is no pain with it. Felt like a mild kick in the nuts for about 12 hours. That was it. Not having to worry about ever getting the call that you're now a father - Priceless.
  19. Insurance paid for my entire vasectomy. Even they know yard rats are expensive.
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