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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I stopped reading at Charleston. I think I will live there at some point in the next 20 years and hopefully will own real estate in the area sooner than that. We visited there recently, fell in love with the place, and have been doing as much homework on the city, etc. as possible since. Every morning I get real estate listings emailed to me. It's astounding what you can get down there in terms of a home relative to what you can get here. Granted, I think the market is down a bit, but I've really been impressed with what I've seen thus far. Charleston is consistently rated one of, if not the, most livable cities in America.
  2. Not sure if serious? It's free. I miss school. I'm tempted to enroll.
  3. How bad has it gotten on messageboards/CR/in life that now we feel compelled to give cliffs for anything over like five word sentences? Random Guy posts: "Hey everybody, just got back from vacation. It was great - lots of sunshine, the beaches were great, and the food was amazing. Can't wait to get back. Even did some crab fishing when I was there. That was really cool." Response 1: TLDR Response 2: "Dude you talk too much shut up already" Response 3: Cliffs anyone? Random Guy: "Sorry, here: I went on a good vacation. Better?" Response 4: TLDR
  4. Meh, Braxton isn't exactly the epitome of accuracy or good decision making. In fact, sometimes Braxton should sling the ball into the third row of the stands, but doesn't.
  5. Some people in this thread apparently have Braxton Miller confused with Aaron Rogers.
  6. No, I watched again, only 6 of them. Time of death for my genius pun theory: 0808
  7. Yeah, if Michigan doesn't lose to anyone in their division, then they will be in B10CG regardless of win or loss to Ohio State.
  8. I think it's a lot easier to be sympathetic toward Pryor now than, say, just six months ago because of the whole Johnny Manziel/NCAA fiasco. Also, Pryor was wildly successful during his time here. However - and I realize this is completely illogical of me to admit - but it still seems like, somehow, he underachieved. That sounds really stupid when you say it out loud, but still there's just this kind of lingering cloud of what-might-have-been hanging over his legacy. I'm sure that has a lot to do with how things ended and, to a lesser extent, just how highly I regarded his athleticism and ability to win games.
  9. The first guy said something about the 740 used to be the 614? Did I hear that correctly? And if so wtf is he talking about? I really don't know about the 740. Wait, were there 7 of them? 7 for OH? Is this some kind of genius pun we are missing? Probably not.
  10. I'd love to see their NC's vacated. I'll expect instead that the NCAA will declare there is no merit to the allegations and award Alabama with a lifetime achievement award of football excellence, ethics, and sportsmanship.
  11. Who would ever support man-made global warming? Perhaps the people who manufacture man-made global warmers would support it? They probably would since they'd have stock in man-made global warmers.
  12. Okay, now I understand what you're saying. However, I'm not just talking about Braxton this year. He was gimpy last year too.
  13. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/little-league-coach-injured-football-player-6272339.jpg
  14. So he was brittle in high school too. :gabe:
  15. Did you mean to say that the coaches aren't being overprotective of Braxton because they can afford to be, knowing they have a very capable backup in Guiton? Because that would fit your argument better.
  16. Thanks for your tautological argument that I can't possibly win. This is very enjoyable.
  17. I get what you're saying about stats. You don't get what I'm saying about him seeming brittle. I guess you think that the more work he does the more he is inclined to get banged up. Okay, I see where you're coming from. I just don't buy into it 100 percent.
  18. BTW, how often do players with stingers go to the hospital for overnight observation? Honest question.
  19. Plenty, dude. And no I didn't act like I'd been shanked. Look, like I said, I'm not trying to get down on him. But I've seen what I've seen and it makes me think he's brittle. If I'm a pro scout, then I'm writing that down in my notes: seems like this dude is hurt with something almost every game. I don't care if he's the kicker or a linebacker or the coach; if he's hurt with something all the time, then he's hurt with something all the time.
  20. Smith and Pryor didn't have ailments that I can recall. That's kind of my point. Regardless of stats, he's kind of failing the eye test for me. I get that he'll get banged up because of the nature of what he does, but still, come on man...
  21. Agreed completely. I keep thinking about how he looked like he was going to die in the Purdue game and then he goes to the hospital and they release him and his diagnosis is...nothing. WTF, seriously? I know we all handle pain differently, but that seemed like the most I've ever seen someone hurt from nothing.
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