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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Apparently my iPhone was so impressed it did a double iPost.
  2. Watched it again. A few more thoughts: 1. I wouldn't have shed any tears if any of the bikers that opened the RR's door or hit it with a helmet got shot by a CCW driver. 2. What is up with the dirt bikes? Seriously? Do the street bike buys show up to the dirt bike course on their 'Busas? This just strikes me as dumb. 3. I keep reading that the wife and kids were in the car. If that's true, then I think, from a personal level, I'd like to have seen him take out more bikers. I can see myself completely dissociating during something like this and just mowing bikers down. Zero fucks registered. 4. What's up with the idiot biker that punches the back window? LOL, moron, I hope you broke your hand. 5. Classic backfire on vid title: OMFG LOOK AT RANGE ROVER JERK KILLING BIKERS AND PUPPIES WE HATE HIM! Internet response: Bikers all deserved to die.
  3. Biker that intentionally brake-checked the Range Rover (causing RR to hit him) was at fault. I blame him for everything that happened after that. If not but for his actions, none of this happens.
  4. Narrowly missed Darwin award?
  5. "Hey what did you do today?" "Fucking knocked out like 10 sets of 185 pounds on the bench and then went home and changed my oil and grilled some steaks. How about you, little broski?" "Well, I rode around on my horse in sub-zero temperatures with an eagle on my arm and then had it attack and kill a fox and a wolf. I had to stab the fox in the face because it wasn't quite dead yet when I arrived. Then I fed the eagle some meat while I re-tied it to my forearm. But that's cool to hear about your grilled steaks."
  6. Yup, I saw that too. Further evidence that we stand no chance of resisting when the golden eagles decide to take over.
  7. I saw the jaguar attack video earlier today. Fucking phenomenal. The tiger video we've all seen, but it's still just as fantastic every time I watch it. Notice how fucking high up that tiger gets - and it's like it just kept rising... That video with the eagles hunting the fox and the wolf is fucking nuts. Dude, eagles are brutal. Like, they could kill us if they wanted. If you would have asked me, say, yesterday, if an eagle or two could kill me, I would have been like yeah right fuck off idiot. Now, watching them kill that wolf...that could be me running across the frozen tundra getting whacked.
  8. Oh, gotcha. Going back a second, I like the chrome helmets, I think. I think they will look better without the abundance of bright green buckeye leaf stickers. That way, we can actually see the chrome helmets. However, I hate the oversized gray numbers on the jerseys. It's like they just threw a whole lot of blah on there. HEY LOOK AT ALL THIS BORING GRAY
  9. Champps is not a bad idea at all. The wife and I have pre-gamed there before on OSU gamedays and it's a nice atmosphere. I'd also recommend BW3's on 5th Avenue, which is a few blocks from Champps (but still within "walking distance" of the stadium, etc.). However, both places tend get packed. It's not wait-an-hour-for-a-beer packed, but definitely oh-shit-there-isn't-much-seating packed.
  10. I loved them too aside from the fact they suck.
  11. BTW, thanks for the pics/review. I found myself amazed at the top-down view you can get so you can see how close you are to curbing your $360k wheels. Also, how's a GPS controlled transmission work, exactly? I'm legitimately curious - never heard of that.
  12. You're misusing the quote. He didn't ask how much it costs (which is where you're quote would fit), he asked why is costs as much as it does. It's a legitimate question any responsible buyer would ask before spending money on anything, let alone something costing more than a nice-sized house.
  13. Sadly, I think I know. Both of them are models and are competing on a Next Top Model show. You know, the one with I-was-hot-when-I-didn't-talk, now-I'm-just-crazy Tyra Banks. I would assume that the two models featured in the gif were up for elimination, and Jesus survived while the chick got axed. Like any good model, she went full histrionic.
  14. I haven't been looking in that price range, so I'm hesitant to speak with any measure of confidence about that area of the real estate in Charleston. However, I'd fear that, kind of like here, you wouldn't be able to get much with $100k. Or, perhaps more specifically, you'll have a hard time finding something suitable in Charleston proper on a $100k budget.
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