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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. One of the best meets ever. Now, importantly though, do you even lift?
  2. Can't really blame a guy for trying. It was Christmas Eve and I'm not even Jewish. Had an uncle that liked to play billiards and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. Not like those hipsters you find at Haiku. But, once I saw her, I was like, "Whoa, I'm going to marry this broad." Love at first sight. Took her to Tiffany's and she was all like, "OMG I LOVE GUYS WHO WEAR EXPRESS!" I shop there sometimes. Fuck Whole Foods, though.
  3. Are you drunk right now? What the hell is up with this random rambling nonsense?
  4. Yup, I never begrudge players that leave early. Selfishly, of course, I want them all to stay for as long as possible, but reason dictates that there really isn't much of an issue here.
  5. Anyone who isn't Jay Cutler is being villified.
  6. Over/under on how many months before he is back at a semi-"name" program? Western Kentucky just a stepping stone. Probation if you will, or indentured servitude. My thinking is that a bigger name program didn't return his phone calls, so he realizes he has to start smaller and work his way back up.
  7. Now his next move will be to post up a quasi-ambiguous gif hoping to deflect attention away from the fact that he's been had. Wait a minute, what's this? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would ask that you return a verdict of guilty to the charge of "Closeted Homosexual in the First Degree with Hypocritical Specifications." The evidence that's been presented herein would seemingly indicate that you could arrive at no other logical conclusion.
  8. This coming from a guy who challenged another guy to a "pose down." GAY HYPOCRISY COMBO UNLOCKED
  9. Absolutely - I had no idea how sensitive people are about crossfit.
  10. And this is the point where everyone stands up and applauds. Flawless victory.
  11. Approximately how many bottles of spray paint have you huffed?
  12. Maybe I gave you too much credit and you're just an idiot. Lesson learned, Captain Fitness. My apologies for mistaking your IQ for something higher than a piece of drywall.
  13. Quoted for hypocrisy. SPL_Josh: LOL, stupid crossfit idiots, bad form, kipping shit, GTFO. Check out this fucking badass bodylifting guy. Haha, suck it, crossfit retards! Observant Person: Wait, isn't that bodybuilding guy doing it wrong? SPL_Josh: No, it's only wrong if it's crossfit and I say it is, dumbass. BOOYAH BITCHES
  14. Whoops, sorry, this post is far too rational and intelligent for this thread. In future posts, please be sure to dumb things down, and be blatantly derogatory. For instance: "One time a girl I was dating said that she wanted to try crossfit, so then I told her I wanted to try dating girls that aren't lesbians."
  15. So did I. So, please tell me I'm doing something wrong by incorporating crossfit-type training into traditional bodybuilding training. You'd think someone like you - who is obviously not a novice when it comes to fitness - would support the notion that doing different physical activities is a great way of "shocking" the system and breaking through a plateau.
  16. No, he thinks that if someone even mentions that they have done crossfit, thought about doing crossfit, knows someone who does crossfit, or looked at a poster of somewho who looks like they may be doing crossfit is automatically: (a) a Crossfit (capital "C") cultist (b) homosexual © vegan (d) a supporter of Obamacare and PETA (e) drives a Subaru (f) has never done any exercise to isolate and build a particular body part, like a bicep
  17. I'm not surprised. Makes me wonder how many other times he's impersonated me, though. How many other people have received poorly worded, grammar lacking, homophobic reputation comments from "Tilley?"
  18. LOL, I'll be interested to see who the culprit is.
  19. Uh, someone's fucking with you guys. I didn't rep anyone. (In fact, I can't recall the last time I've ever given out rep, and I'm not sure if I ever have.) Some administrator can confirm this, I'm sure.
  20. 1. Cannot see face to confirm she is not male. 2. WTF is up with those high-tops? Verdict: Too 90's gay for this thread.
  21. 1. Bent over as if desiring anal sex. 2. Cannot see if she has a package. Verdict: Still too homosexual.
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