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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Who wears gloves to do pushups? Crossfit idiots do.
  2. Look at that stupid idiot crossfit bitch using improper form on her pushups.
  3. http://www.avorlv.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Jordan-Carver-Workout_10.jpg
  4. Nope, legs crossed, cannot verify that, in fact, she does not have a penis.
  5. http://www.trainbodyandmind.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/18.Jordan-Carver-Yoga-600x899.jpg
  6. Wait, she looks like she is holding a penis. Still too gay for this crowd.
  7. http://day3creations.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/222.jpg
  8. http://ssl.gstatic.com/android/market/com.daddy.cooler98.game.Android300314g300314c0/hi-256-0-c64792294832f665e80e778f76ce298cccb1e860
  9. Too much gay. Had to post something to reverse flow of homosexuality.
  10. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/adriana-lima-wallpaper.jpg
  11. Seriously. Homosexuality Achievement Unlocked.
  12. Haha, wait, are you calling me out? We can post up pics right now and let CR decide who looks better. The loser is banned from CR for a month. And no homo, though this all sounds decidedly homo.
  13. This is what bigotry doesn't look like.
  14. You should have just said this initially instead of being a dick.
  15. Did you mean to say, "Ah?" Or was the "Awe" some kind of homosexual Fredian slip? You're either latently gay or an idiot. You pick.
  16. LOL, Paul's being a troll. Again. Yes, by the way you look, we all should pay very special attention to your opinions on workout routines and fitness. No, wait, no one should.
  17. To the OP: Thanks for posting this up. If I still lived in Grandview, then I'd seriously consider checking this gym out.
  18. Quit being such a fucking troll. So you don't like what they're doing? Who gives a fuck what you think. Go do three sets of suicide, meathead.
  19. No, I wouldn't bother with the pills or the supplements or any of that stuff. You can always look into that stuff down the line. Start simple. Nope, no need to go to a trainer for crossfit. They are so simple that you can just do them on your own. You can do them in your home or at a gym. I think there are a few crossfit gyms in the city, though I wouldn't bother with a gym membership at this point, as there's not really any need. My advice is to do an internet search at some point in the near future for crossfit routines. Jot down a few of them and then try them out over the next few days. Like Eli said, be sure to take a day off every so often. Don't get discouraged if you can't finish the routines - some are really difficult. But, again, like Eli said, the goal should be just to do something. The endurance will come with time.
  20. Good question, and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. Crossfit workouts are designed to be ingeniously simple, yet brutal. Like, for instance, one that I do is called the "Chelsea" - it involves doing 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats in succession each minute on the minute. So, basically, you do 30 rounds of that - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats - for 30 minutes. The first 5 rounds or so you'll be like, "Hey, this is whack - I fucking own this shit." By round 15, you will want to punch yourself in the dick for being so stupid to try this. There are a bunch of crossfit routines - just do a Google search for "crossfit routines" for examples. The nice thing about them is that you can lower or raise the intensity of them at will by doing fairly simple things, like adding weigh or trying to complete the routine in less time. This would work well for you: you could go slow/easy/less weight to begin and kind of work your way up. The stuff you see on Insanity and P90X is basically crossfit stuff. It's all about doing full-body stuff in a shorter period of time for an intense workout. Another nice thing about the crossfit stuff is that you don't have to be in the gym for 90 minutes. Rather, you can complete a great workout in 20 minutes, even less. Does it kick your ass? Yes. But I've found - for me - that unless I'm drenched in sweat and feel like I want to puke/die/quit, then I'm not doing it right. I'm a huge proponent of trying different things to see what works for you. I've done a fair amount of fitness stuff and workout things, and crossfit has been great. My body looks better than it ever has. Try it and see if it works for you. If not, oh well - there's plenty of other stuff you can try next.
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