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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Interesting statistic. I hadn't thought of it, but, yeah, makes sense. Completely agree with Gabe, though - this is crappiest Top 10 Ohio State team I have ever seen, I think.
  2. I would have ranked Notre Dame at 4 and Kansas State at 5. And, of course, LSU leapfrogs Ohio State. That is one-part Ohio State allowing Indiana to come back and one-part SEC SEC SEC.
  3. AP Poll: 1. Alabama (60) 6-0 1,500 1 2. Oregon 6-0 1,436 2 3. Florida 6-0 1,361 4 4. Kansas State 6-0 1,296 6 5. Notre Dame 6-0 1,283 7 6. LSU 6-1 1,153 9 7. Ohio State 7-0 1,071 8 8. Oregon State 5-0 1,050 10 9. South Carolina 6-1 1,042 3 10. Oklahoma 4-1 994 13 11. Southern Cal 5-1 874 11 12. Florida State 6-1 836 12 13. Georgia 5-1 753 14 14. Clemson 5-1 673 16 15. Mississippi State 6-0 591 19 16. Louisville 6-0 574 18 17. West Virginia 5-1 552 5 18. Texas Tech 5-1 444 NR 19. Rutgers 6-0 405 20 20. Texas A&M 5-1 379 22 21. Cincinnati 5-0 294 21 22. Stanford 4-2 242 17 23. Michigan 4-2 177 25 24. Boise State 5-1 133 24 25. Ohio 7-0 104 NR
  4. It will be interesting to see what the BCS standings are. If there are two SEC teams up there - and I'm assuming there will be - then I will start sharpening my wrist razors now...
  5. Maybe it has something to do with all the spread/pass-oriented offenses we've played? I think the quick pass neutralizes a pass rush - am I right in thinking this? Still, though, there's no way to excuse away 35+ points that you give up in consecutive weeks. Bottom line is that the numbers can't lie that much and this defense just isn't very good. Side bar: every noticed that, when Ohio State has a good offense, the defense isn't as good? (Or is this just me thinking something that isn't true?) Kind of like - oh, it's cool, we don't have to be that good because we have Braxton Miller/Troy Smith and our offense can win in a shootout.
  6. Didn't even know Fordham was a school/place/anything. Yeah, Louisville and Rutgers will be challenges for Cincy.
  7. Mythical Match-Up: Ohio State versus West Virginia Final score: Ohio State - 135 West Virginia - 162 Battle of which defense sucks more.
  8. I'm losing it over these useless coupons.
  9. Braxton's stats: 13-24, 211 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT 23 Rush, 149 yds, 1 TD
  10. WTF First, refs kind of sucked. They overturned everything on Ohio State. The overturned interception by Bryant was questionable. But, okay, I get it, whatever. Then, they took away a TD run by Hyde, saying he was down at the 1 or whatever. Uh, no he wasn't, call on the field was TD, and there wasn't anything close to indisputable evidence to overturn it - but somehow they did. Then, inexplicably, they somehow allow the onside kick debacle - where it's clear the guy was standing out of bounds when he tosses ball back in - to stand. WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK? Okay, refs aside, Ohio State's defense just looks like they packed it in at about 10 minutes left in fourth quarter. Unfortunately, Indiana's offense didn't.
  11. There is one team I want to win the NC: Ohio State. There are other teams that I secretely want to win the NC if Ohio State cannot: West Virginia, Kansas State, and Oregon are some that come to mind. There are other teams that, if they win the NC, I'm not mad: Texas and Oklahoma are two that come to mind. I am not offended by these teams if they win. Then there are teams that piss me off if they win the NC: Miami, USC*, and most SEC teams would fit this bill. (Confession: I have a secret love affair with USC. If I didn't despise them, I would love them. I always feel compelled to disclose this.) Then, there are teams that cannot, under any circumstances, win the NC: Notre Dame, Michigan, and Florida are in this category. They are like in the lowest circle of Dante's hell for me - when they win NC, puppies are kicked, kittens die, and baby Jesus gouges out his eyes.
  12. LOL, so true. Worst case scenario: Notre Dame versus SEC team in BCS NCG. We get to hear for a month about how great both teams are and what kind of EPIC MATCHUP OF ALL TIME THIS WILL BE. Then, unfortunately, one team will have to win, and if its Notre Dame it will be THE RETURN OF THE GREATEST COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE and if it's the SEC team then it will be SEC SPEED DOMINANCE SEC SEC SEC SPEED THE SEC CAN BEAT THE PATRIOTS OMG FUCKING SEC WILL KILL YOU.
  13. Chochmo, could you just put all your pics in one thread? Then, maybe a moderator/administrator can rename the thread "Chochmo's Aerial Pics" or something and everything can be consolidated there. That way, there aren't 6000 individual threads.
  14. NOTRE DAME 2012 BCS CHAMPIONS *slitting wrist*
  15. Yeah, I don't see them beating Oklahoma or USC either, but they should still be considered contenders after this week if they win. EDIT: game is final. No conclusive evidence to overturn it, apparently.
  16. He was never down - he was on the pile the whole time.
  17. Notre Dame has a good defense. If they win this game, then they have to be considered legitmate NC contenders (as much as I despise acknowledging that). They have a crazy schedule. I'm excited to see the South Carolina/LSU game as well. That game could be a 6 - 3 affair.
  18. Not sure why Nunes just ran out of bounds when he could have fallen forward to get the first down. Come on, dude, this is overtime.
  19. And what's up with Texas getting waxed? Yikes.
  20. Geno Smith - 29 of 55 for 276 yds and 1 TD at this point, and game is almost over.
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