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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Spam, thanks for the lively discussion. To the rest of the field: look forward to your responses, if there's any interest left in this thread.
  2. Yeah, everything is fine. And will be on the lookout for pics.
  3. LOL, gotcha. Yeah, unforseen circumstances arose, which interfered with my capacity to attend.
  4. Sarcasm? I didn't make it today. But I'll take the compliment, even though it might have been intended for someone else.
  5. Also, just additional food for thought: - what if the driver was in a Lambo or other, clearly expensive, exotic car? I wonder how people would have perceived the kick by the biker then. - what if the driver was a male? Would that have made any difference? I'm not implying either would, just wondering out loud.
  6. Not sure what would have been appropriate response by the biker, just like I don't really have a good definition for obscenity. But I know an inappropriate response when I see it, just like - as Justice Stewart of US Supreme Court has said - I know obscenity when I see it. My take was that the biker's response was inappropriate. Doesn't really matter to me what would have been more appropriate, only that what he did wasn't. The kid on the skateboard and the biker are the same: both escalated a confrontation. That's my humble take.
  7. Okay, let's just say, for the sake of argument, it's completely legal to split lanes. Biker was splitting lanes. Yay, you're totally legal dude. Mean, douche driver cuts off biker. Hey, that's a foul! Driver in the wrong. So, biker kicks the car. Appropriate response? Well, to me, no, it's not. Seems a bit too much, really. Driver cutting off biker is not as egregious (nice word, BTW) as biker kicking the driver's car. Rather, it appears that biker has escalated the confrontation by using a response that is not appropriate to the insult. How about this: guy is riding a skateboard down the sidewalk. Another guy intentionally steps out in front of him, cutting him off. Skater wobbles, almost crashes, but doesn't. Skater stops and, in his anger, slaps the guy in the face who cut him off. Guy then body slams skater, breaking his back. Who is in the wrong in that situation?
  8. Do I apologize to the guy who brought a knife to a gun fight when I'm holding the gun? The way I see it: you can't escalate a confrontation and then cry foul afterward. (Also, I've just completely abandoned my initial points made in this thread and will just entertain whatever hypotheticals you seem intent to design for me. Before we're done, you'll have me stabbing the biker in the face, kicking his puppy, and raping his wife.)
  9. For the record, I don't mind bikers doing that at all. And, for the record, I don't think I would have cut the guy off. I'm just not like that. However, we're having a lively little debate here, so I'll set all of that to the side and continue. Also, that's not the crux of the argument, so stop acting as though I'm trying to advocate for people running over bikers that are jerks. So, first, it's okay for the biker to break the law (splitting lanes) and, when corrected (cut off by the driver), it's okay for him to retaliate (kick the car), but not for the driver to retaliate? Trying to explain that one (since you didn't bother explaining what I initially asked to be explained).
  10. I'm not sure I follow. It's good for the driver to get out to confront a person for kicking their car? And then, let's say, I hit the biker with a tire iron. Is that okay? But me running over the guy isn't?
  11. This was both incredibly painful and incredibly entertaining to watch. And did everyone see the chick wipe out in the water at the very end of the video? LOL, wheeee
  12. P.S. Since there are so many biker apologists in this thread, please let me know if it's legal to cut lanes. Honestly, I don't know, but I figure all of you motorcycle experts will tell me. Is it legal for a motorcyclist to go between cars on a road like that?
  13. Probably not, but let's say I did. So? You say I deserve to get my car kicked. Great, I'll buy that. Now, do I then deserve to fuck you up? I say yes. If you say no then you're a hypocrite. Driver cuts off biker = bad. Biker then kicks car = good. Driver then fucks up biker = bad?
  14. You kick my car, I'm going to fuck you up. You get out of your car and come at me and I have reason to suspect you could do me or anyone in my car grave bodily harm, and I can't reasonably distance myself from you or get out of the car to defend myself, I'm shooting you or running you the fuck over. Please explain to me how I'm wrong.
  15. For the immediate future, absolutely nothing. I like the car as it sits right now and I really don't feel compelled to change anything on it. I really like the OEM look. When I decide to change stuff, then I'll likely go with tint, an exhaust, coilovers, and some HRE wheels. Whether that happens sooner or later I don't know - it all depends on how soon I get the urge to change things up. If that urge never shows up, then so be it. Long term, when I've moved on to something else for a daily driver, then I think I might do some kind of LSx swap in it, which I think would be tits.
  16. No, I adore it. It's the most refined, classiest car I've ever owned, and it's not even close. I get a lot of compliments on it and I find myself liking it more every day. It's just not very fast, that's all. It's fast enough, and it doesn't really need to be fast, I suppose.
  17. Like 14. Seriously, the opposite of fast.
  18. Like I said, I'm optimistic. Despite my misgivings about his throwing (which are also apparent to anyone with a functional optic nerve and cerebral cortex), I'm fine with him being the QB at this point. I think he has a ton of potential.
  19. No, I'm saying he sucks at throwing the ball in games because he sucks at throwing the ball in games. Are you trying to tell me anything different than that? Circle yes or no.
  20. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/schnauzie-no.jpg
  21. Yeah, I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer (rather, I'm a total OSU homer), but at the same time I can't ignore the fact that Miller's passing was downright atrocious at times. Sure, I think he will improve, and I certainly hope he improves a lot, but he's got quite a way to go, IMHO.
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