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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Joe, my post wasn't poking fun at you, FYI. If anything, I agreed the most with you.
  2. This is the standard CR member response to this question. (Feel free to copy and paste into this thread.) "Well, first I would finish up having sex with the two supermodels in my bed and then take a bite of the sandwich that they made me earlier. Then, I would tell them, 'Ladies, it's time for daddy to go to work,' and I'd light a cigar while loading up my Desert Eagle, AK 47, sawed-off shotgun, and sniper rifle. They would blow me while I was setting the sights to my sniper rifle. Then I would cut the power lines to my house and don my infrared night goggles. I'd link up to 911 using my Bluetooth: '911, we have an emergency here. An intruder has made the misfortune of trespassing into my sanctuary and now will be sacrified to the God of War. I will leave this line open for communication but be advised I will not respond if engaged with the enemy or in the process of stalking such. Send the coroner. Over.' Then I would proceed out of the bedroom. The intruder would undoubtedly be making a play for my 161-inch LCD and diamond-encased XBOX 360. Having anticipated such, I would go ahead an detonate my flash bombs that I have set up on the other side of my couch. That would leave the intruder dazed and bewildered. I would then run up the stairs to my balcony, rappel over, drop down behind the intruder, and slice his throat. He would gurgle and plead for me to save him. I would spit in his face and promise to creampie his girlfriend."
  4. Timberlake. He's bringing sexy hatchback. :gabe:
  5. So, darts is a real sport? I dunno, is this a real sponsor? I'm getting stupid loose. Wow, stetching, really? KAKAKOW! MOUNTAIN TOP
  6. If you have to chose between Chicago and Toronto, I go Chicago all day long. Not only is it closer, it's bigger, it has more things to do, and it's a cooler city, IMHO. Toronto is culturally diverse, but so is Chicago. Not to knock Toronto, but Chicago is definitely an international-type city. I am fairly sure that it has been ranked just below the "alpha cities" of the world - New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo - on the second tier of international destinations.
  7. Dr. Pomade

    Girls Fail

    This is quality. A+
  8. It's been a few years since I was in Windsor, but, no, I don't recall there being anything there worthwhile beyond the casino and some strip clubs. Windor kind of reminded me of OSU's campus - the junky part (i.e., what all campus looked like before they redid the Gateway District). Just a bunch of crappy, college-esque bars, flyers on telephone polls, and gimmick shops. And I can't think of anything within a 8-10 hour drive in Canada beyond Toronto that I'd go see. Also, while I'm thinking of it, do you and your woman have passports? If not, then forget about going to Canada.
  9. Chicago and Charleston are totally on opposite ends of the spectrum, IMO, for weekend getaways. If I just want to chill, I go to Charleston, I think. If I want a ton of shit to do, I go to Chicago. Also, I'd think - all things being equal - it'd cost less to do the weekend in Charleston than it would in Chicago.
  10. Toronto is the fifth largest in North America? I know the top three are: New York Los Angeles Chicago And the next three (in US, at least), I think are: Houston Philadelphia Dallas Yeah, now that I think about it, Toronto does seem like it's that big. I know it's very diversified. I'd recommend visiting it for sure - though I think it's too far of a drive for a weekend getaway type trip.
  11. I was going to say Chicago, but I thought it is too far away for a weekend getaway. You have figure it's at least a five-hour drive one-way, so that means a good chunk of time would be spent just driving there and back. Not exactly fun. Don't get me wrong - Chicago would be my first choice for a city that's relatively close to go to for a visit, but I reasoned it was just too far away. (I'm also assuming here that Hal will be driving, not flying.)
  12. *someone please insert little whistling guy walking into room and then slowly backing out while looking back and forth*
  13. Hal, does private and relaxing mean secluded? Because I've always liked just going to another major, but relatively close city - like Indianapolis or Cincinnati - getting a hotel downtown somewhere, and just fucking around for a weekend.
  14. How about one more person suggest he goes to Hocking Hills?
  15. Sunglass Hut has my vote as well. Regards, Johnny Versace
  16. LOL, epic. Someone should get a screen shot, ASAP.
  17. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/halbenchingcobra.jpg
  18. Needs more Altezzas and fire.
  19. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/262/0/b/voltron_flat_colors_by_aseabert-d2z2y5z.jpg
  20. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/StrikeForce-1.gif
  21. http://www.spirithalloween.com/images/spirit/products/interactivezoom/processed/01031459.interactive.a.jpg
  22. Maybe if the Corvette went from a 100 roll it could beat the Supra. They did rolls from 40, 45, 50, 70, 72, 87, and 94.5. onetwothree!
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