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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. It's not like that car is expensive or anything.
  2. Thunderbirds. They make it fucking rain.
  3. LOL, yeah, I remember my son playing soccer at that age. When they're really young, it's just like a bunch of bees trying to kick around a soccer ball. I have to say, this kid's hair has all kinds of potential - just throw a bunch of Aussie Extreme Hold on it as it is right there and this dude is ready to get a table at Mynt http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/133783742 Also, I kept expecting to spot PedoBear in one of those pics...
  4. While, in theory, I could drive the GT-R better in inclement weather, I'd be kidding myself if I said that I would actually drive either in the snow/bad weather.
  5. I'll need to know if you actually want to race or not. Because it kind of goes like this: - if you want to race, then you take whatever you say your car makes and add 200hp to it - if you don't want to race and instead just want to hang out in a parking lot and talk, then you take whatever you say your car makes and subtract 200hp
  6. Does it come in white? Seriously, I think that, if I go with a Z06, I'm going with white. Of course, that preference probably just cost me about $20k, at least.
  7. Then all the more reason for me to overcompensate with my car.
  8. True, but I'm not looking to modify this car that much, if at all. Agreed completely that the R8 is a more aesthetically pleasing car than the GT-R, so from that sense it's a better starting platform. However, for me, it costs too much and underperforms. I've noticed that none of these kinds of conversations are coming up about the Z06. No one is saying they underperform and no one is saying it's ugly. This kind of goes back to what you said a few pages ago - it's so easy to make a Z06 look sexy, whereas it's a bit more difficult to do the same thing with a GT-R (that can so easily start looking ricey).
  9. The performance of the R8 leaves me wanting.
  10. I just added this movie to my Netflix queue a few days ago.
  11. I think I'd be inclined to just pay the ticket and move on. I fought what I considered to be a fairly frivolous ticket a few years ago. I got my Matlock on and went all lawyer and shit in the courtroom. I had diagrams and all kinds of shit. I had what I thought was a great case. My impression is that the judge that heard the case out of the small town where the ticket originated wasn't too pleased with me and my antics and did not rule in my favor. Well, fuck that, I said, and appealed that shit and took my case downtown. Went downtown, long story short, I ended up getting a favorable plea and took it. Yay, vindication, right? Well, not really. I mean, it was kind of cool to play junior lawyer and all (I was pre-law at one point in college, after all), but in the end I am pretty sure I lost out, considering all the time I had to spend preparing my case and appearing in two different courts on two different days to fight it. And it wasn't like I was charged with vehicular homicide or something crazy like that. In restrospect, my time probably would have been better served by simply paying the ticket and moving along (or paying an actual lawyer to fight the case).
  12. Yeah, the '06 Z06 that I looked at is certified: for the first year/12k miles it's fully covered and then the drivetrain is covered for an extra 5yrs/100k miles and can be serviced at any GM dealership. I thought that was impressive.
  13. Excellent points all the way around.
  14. Saw one of these today as well. Definitely cool, but just not my thing.
  15. Fucking gangsta, but out of my price range for what I want to purchase now. If I was looking into Ford GT's, then I'd also be looking into Lambos and GT2 and a bunch of exotics.
  16. No, they weren't, so I wondered if I just thought the GT-R is bigger when, in actually, it isn't. Weird that you had the opposite reaction. Yeah, for me, the GT-R just seemed...too big? I dunno, maybe it was just an illusion.
  17. Nope, my history with Corvettes is something that counts for a lot. And I'm now finding myself increasingly concerned with how much more the GT-R is. I would have to like the GT-R substantially more than a Z06 to justify paying $20k more for one, and at this point I don't like it any more than the Z06. If anything, I think I like it less.
  18. Matt, long time, buddy - hope things are well with you too. Thanks for the input - yeah, the maintenance is something that I'm starting to worry about when it comes to the GT-R.
  19. I find myself having to talk myself into liking the way the GT-R looks. However, I don't have anything even resembling a second thought when contemplating the aesthetics of the Z06.
  20. Went to look at both today. Looked at a super silver 2009 GT-R and a 2006 black Z06. Neither dealership was open, so wasn't able to test drive them. The asking price for the GT-R is $69K and the asking price for the Z06 is $48K. The GT-R has about 28k miles and the Z06 has about 14k miles. Here's my first impression: I'm kind of blown away by how much more the GT-R is than the Z06. Granted, I know, it's not really and apples-to-apples comparison (and probably could never be?), but still it was something that made me take immediate notice. Here's my second impression: the GT-R seems like a huge car. Like it's just a lot of bigness. It's long. It's wide. The front end goes on forever. The ass end goes on forever. I found myself wondering if I'd become annoyed with how big the car is. In comparison, wow, the Z06 just seemed so much smaller, so much more compact, so much more...pleasing. Where I wondered if the GT-R was too big, I found myself thinking the Z06 seemed the perfect size. I'm planning on test driving both and I'll hold off on passing the ultimate judgment until then. However, I have to admit, just going and standing next to both of them puts the Z06 way ahead of the GT-R in my book.
  21. Yeah, that point is not lost on me, my good man.
  22. I like your style. Okay, we'll start with the things you just listed. I'd rank them in the order I value them based on exactly how you listed them, from most important to least. So, performance is more important than style, which is more important than uniqueness, and so forth. However, that's an ordinal scale, and it doesn't speak to how much I value one over the other (or how far apart each are from each other).
  23. Adrenal glands are good things to have when you fuck up.
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