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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Damn, Ford GT comes around the GTR pretty hard. Impressive. Would not cry if either showed up in my driveway.
  2. Still complaining, as usual - she says I pay too much attention to Adrianna Lima and not enough on her when we're all in bed together.
  3. LOL "Hey folks, nice to see you. I just flew in from Chicago and boy are my arms tired! Listen, tip your waitresses. I'll be here all week, with shows at 9 and 11."
  4. Getting hail in Victorian Village/Short North right now.
  5. Wait, this is CR, where supermodels are our girlfriends and we kill people for driving infractions.
  6. What up, Dyno Brian - long time, no see my friend. Hope you've been well. Stay fly.
  7. Agreed with Linn - good footage. Also, speaking of Linn - that last race between the Vette and the Supra reminded me of Linn. Did you see how long the Supra stayed into it? *Vette out of throttle* *meanwhile, Supra still WOT at 190MPH+*
  8. Dude, come on, I was trying to give you some credit with the double bind comment. It could even be construed as a compliment. In a wonderful stroke of irony, you decide to just keep arguing. This is me laughing at you. Also, is it possible for you to answer a question directly? Christ, talking to you is like herding cats. So, it's okay for Pryor to criticize Herbstreit but not the other way around? Wait, take away the question mark - those things tend to confuse you. Let's just leave it as a statement and move on. OMFG, this might be REALLY HARD TO FATHOM, but OHIO STATE FOOTBALL MIGHT BE BETTER WITHOUT PRYOR. *gasp!* I'm not sure how they managed to win any games before he came along and when he graduates I bet they'll just close down the football program. AMIRITE? Shit, another question mark. Forget that last part. I could see where someone - anyone! - could say that the team might be better off without Pryor. I highlighted might for you. I hope that helps you not misinterpret something else I've said. Is it okay for someone to have an opinion different than yours? Fuck me, I've done it again - the question mark. Nevermind.
  9. I guess I just don't see him as being as biased against Ohio State as you do. Maybe I need to look closer. Am I missing something? Maybe. Dunno. I'm not too dense to say I could be mising the boat here. I don't think I'm that far off base, but I could be. My lack of perception notwithstanding, if you don't think people have to act a certain way to stay on television then you're not half-asleep, you're half-brain dead.
  10. So if I continue to say something counter to what you say I'm just arguing to argue? Nice double bind. *applause* Criticism of a successor is jealousy and hate? Then what about the criticism of a predecessor? Jealousy and hate too? Or what? I was honestly interested in knowing who you thought was an expert in college football. Don't name them if you don't want to. *shrug* I'm not disagreeing that there aren't a ton of people out there who know a lot about college football. I just wanted to make the point that you don't need to have been a star in college football to talk knowledgeably about college football on TV.
  11. LOL - it's all in the spirit of good debate.
  12. Wait, so now only really great QB's at Ohio State have any credibility when talking about sports? That was a rhetorical question. You and I both know that it's silly to say someone needs to have accomplished something in sports to have any credibility when talking about it. But, since you opened the door, who exactly should be considered an expert when talking about college football? Since you said there are thousands out there, I guess it won't be difficult for you to name a few.
  13. Yes, it's all about perceived objectivity for Herbstreit, nicely put. All the other bullshit you said after doesn't make much sense, unless you're trying to sell the notion that he has to intentionally say critical things about Ohio State in order to maintain his shroud of credibility?
  14. No, I didn't miss that part, I heard that Herbstreit said that. What's your point? And don't quote me and then say something that intimates I said the opposite. I never said Herbstreit was a better quarterback, but you quote me and say that Pryor is 100 times better. Say what you want to say but leave me out of it unless you want me correcting you. For the record, I agree that Pryor can mouth off all he wants. I just think he sounds like a dumbass when he speaks. I really like him as my QB and I'm a huge fan of his, but his persona is starting to wear on me a bit. *shrug* Also, I guess I will allow you to just dodge my question about Fowler's Heismans.
  15. Where did I say Herbstreit is "merely being objective?" Maybe you're half asleep.
  16. Then just say Pryor is the better quarterback and don't quote me and act like I said he wasn't. Also, while you're defending Pryor mouthing off about Herbstreit, would you also defend Herbstreit for mouthing off about how Pryor sounds retarded when he talks? Because Herbstreit is way more accomplished as a speaker than what Pryor is - so what's fair is fair, right? And why are you acting like you need to accomplish something in order to be able to have an educated opinion about the subject? So Herbstreit was a mediocre QB. Yeah, and? How many Heismans did Chris Fowler win?
  17. Duh? You quoted me like I was saying Herbstreit was the superior quarterback.
  18. Wow, beautiful cars, awful "racing." Also, if it's your first time with your new setup (and you're unfamiliar with the car), then don't agree to race a modded GTR on video. Maybe wait a bit, get some seat time, and then do the vid? Agreed with previous post that at least the scenery was pretty nice.
  19. LOL, like. Hmm, wondering what songs they could have used while I was at Groveport Madison: A Country Boy Can Divide I Wanna Add You Up Baby Got Math Kriss Kross Will Make You Subtract! Subtract!
  20. Pryor is starting to impress me more and more as a dumbass. He says stupid things (e.g., remember the Michael Vick comment?) and his attitude seems shitty just about all the time. At no point in the foreseeable future am I going to take what Pryor says over what Herbstreit says.
  21. Lou Holtz isn't calling national title games for ESPN/ABC. Holtz can afford to be a homer - it's endearing when he does it. Herbstreit cannot. I totally agree with DJ on this one. Besides, Herbstreit really can't win: if he ranks Ohio State too high, then he's a homer, but if he doesn't rank them high enough, then he's a traitor. BTW, if you have any misconceptions of where Herbstreit's loyalties lie, go watch the ESPN pre-game just before kickoff of the 2002 Fiesta Bowl between Ohio State and Miami. Herbstreit was livid with all the talk about how Ohio State was too slow for Miami and would get rolled by eleventy billion points. There's no doubt he loves Ohio State. It's unfortunate that we can't see him be more of a fan because, well, he has a job to do.
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