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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. /irrelevance The OP didn't ask for you to expatiate on the differences between strip clubs in Windsor and Dallas. Stop being a buzzkill.
  2. Take your passport. Seriously. I've been to Cheetahs as well. I'd recommend going. I'm with Joe on the surroundings - the city of Windsor reminded me of how it used to look on OSU campus before they did all the renovations - kind of dirty, run down, lots of trash, not really anything spectacular, etc. The casino is pretty nice - best that I've been to outside of Las Vegas.
  3. What kind of blasphemy is this? Just so I understand, you're trying to say that the Transformers from the 1980s were also lame? And I guess next you'll try to say that G.I Joe from the 1980s is gay as well? Just want to make sure I understand how crazy you are before continuing this dialogue.
  4. The objective person in me says that they should be suspended for the Sugar Bowl and maybe the first two games of next year. The person that understands how the world works knows that the powers-that-be need the players in the Sugar Bowl. Also, as a "trade off" (i.e., not suspending them for the Sugar Bowl), this is why they are getting five games for next season. I hope and think that Pryor and Posey will be back. I think Boom is gone - though I thought he was going after this year anyway. Even with the suspensions, the first five games are very winable. Miami is a trainwreck right now and Michigan State has never scared me - this year included. I think Ohio State would have rolled them worse than Iowa did, quite frankly.
  5. I wonder if he got greedy and was going for a fly when it happened.
  6. "Not tonite, honey - I have a headache."
  7. How about no. Seriously, fuck that. I'm with Brian - I got woozy once he got to the part where he got outside of the cage. I was reminded of this when watching the vid in the OP. Yeah, fuck that too. Fuck heights, period.
  8. We bought one for Christmas and have basically been playing it non-stop. It's amazing. And, we've been completely satisfied playing just the game that comes with the Kinect (which is an adventures-type game where you can do lots of different things, like white water rafting, dodge ball-type thing, flying in space, etc). We also have a Wii. The Kinect is, IMHO, much better. The technology is just better, which makes for a cooler gaming experience. I'm not what you'd consider a "hardcore" gamer. In the past year, I've played the Kinect, Deadrising 2, and on the Wii. That's it. So, take my feedback for what it's worth (which isn't much, probably! ). I have an old XBox 360 - like I bought it when it first came out. I have done nothing to it (i.e., I haven't done any of the modifications or whatever that you can do). To play the Kinect, I needed two additional things that I didn't have: (1) a flash drive for more memory and (2) to connect to XBox Live so that I could download an update, which took like 15 seconds to download. That was it. Hope this was helpful. Let me know if it wasn't.
  9. Sausage Savior? Hmmmm. Nope, there is absolutely nothing funny that can be said about that. Nothing, zilch. No material whatsoever.
  10. Yup, I sprayed the shit out of my 03 Cobra for an entire racing season - a full bottle every Friday and Saturday night - and never had any problem out of the engine. Took it like a champ.
  11. Creeper Singer Guy is Creepy.
  12. Two of those three sound familiar - I didn't have black SVT wheels.
  13. Did you say it had Nitto DR's on it? If so, what size were those? I think I ran a 305 in the Nitto DR. However, yeah, hooking while spraying out of the hole is not easy. The Nitto DR's aren't the stickiest, though.
  14. Yeah, Time Warner was ridiculous when it comes to customer service. Note, I'm not one of those types that expects unreasonable things when it comes to customer service (e.g., "I JUST WAITED 12 SECONDS TO TALK TO THE OWNER OF TIME WARNER CABLE AND NOW I EXPECT ONE YEAR OF FREE CABLE!!1!"). However, I had to call them about four times in the span of a few weeks - which is problematic in of itself - and then I got jerked around at least three of those four times. I warned them the last time I called that they were on the verge of losing me, especially considering AT&T services the same area (and my condo even comes pre-wired for both Time Warner and AT&T). The Time Warner rep didn't seem overly concerned, I didn't really get what I was looking for, and the problems with Time Warner service persisted (e.g., glitches in HD viewing, a DVR that would randomly chose not to record things), so Time Warner got the deuces.
  15. When I see these interview threads, I picture that Krampu$ is doing them ala James Lipton. http://www.karmaspawn.com/resources/James%20Lipton.jpg
  16. LOL, shit would be hilarious. Maybe I should ask him if a set of Alteezas were found in the trunk? Then we'd definitively have a positive ID.
  17. Then all the more reason to crack open the bottle, AMIRITE?
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