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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. LOL wtf? I'm laughing and I'm not even I'm sure what's being said here.
  2. Dr. Pomade


    Have you tried the chardonnay? I ask because I haven't particularly liked anything by Sutter Home before and was pleasantly surprised by the chardonnay.
  3. Dr. Pomade


    Sutter Home. The chardonnay is suprisingly great, especially for the price. It's relatively cheap - you can get a nice sized bottle for about $10.
  4. Not sure if he's delusional or just disgruntled based on what I got from the video. Kudos to the superintendant for having enough guts to stand up (metaphorically) to the guy. I probably wouldn't have taken such a brazen tone or mentioned the cops, but then again I'm not sure what I would have done with a guy waving a gun around in my board meeting. Honorable mention goes to bag swinging lady. Not sure how much sense she has, but at least she tried. As for the gun control stuff, my take is if we can't get rid of all firearms completely (which is likely little more than utopian thinking), then the next best thing is for everyone to pack heat all the time.
  5. No one noticed the awesome dubya tee effness that is this post? It was like Brian said it in conversation and everyone just kept talking like he didn't say anything. "So, anyway, retard, Max N Erma's is a chain and he said no chain restaurants!"
  6. I'll take plain over Carolina blue.
  7. My only hope is that - like with the Gap backlash - the sheer amount of overwhelming negative publicity this is all getting forces them to change the names of the divisions. Naming them East/West and North/South is fine, even if it means that a team or two is geographically out of place (e.g., Penn State being "West" or Minnesota being "South"). Think about Dallas - they play in the NFC "East." It will all be much, much better than this pretentiousness (as sol740 just eloquently pointed out). I'm not so upset with the logo design as I am the color of the logo. Seriously, Carolina blue? How about no.
  8. Taking bath with toaster tonight. WTF? Those are horrible division names - HORR.I.BLE. So...snobby? So cheesy. The logo reminds me of when The Gap changed it's logo and got fucking hammered for it. It looks kinda amateurish - and makes me think the entire conference is actually an homage to North Carolina basketball. Couldn't they just do black and white for the logo? And what the eff is up with those stupid award names? Here's the Pace-Griffin-Woodson-Hayes-Butkus-Midwest-Corn-Chicago-Grass Award because we don't want to make anyone feel left out. Fuck this nonsense.
  9. Oh no, it's on Rivals. Please let this be a sick joke. Baby Jesus is sticking a fork in his eye right now. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=ap-bigten-divisionnames
  10. First, I've never heard of "The Street," so that makes be doubtful at the get-go. You'd think the Big 10 conference would be the first to release this, not some journalistic thing out of New York. Second, agreed, if that's really the new logo, then it sucks. Third, the way I read the article (which I don't think is legit), it implies that the design firm (Pentagram or whatever) suggested that the Leaders and Legends could be used as names - I don't think the article is implying that those are, in fact, the names of the two divisions. Fourth, if those are the new names, then I'll consider picking a new favorite team because that would be fucking awful.
  11. Whoa, I'm sorry to hear this. I will definitely be pulling for them and I hope everything turns out okay. Also, I think you meant TIAs - it stands for transient ischemic attacks. I realize it was probably just a typo, but I didn't want people being all like, "Huh what's that?"
  12. http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/66500/CANINE-DIABEETUS-66997.jpg
  13. Sam? What the hell? Sam is blonde and a fattie and shouldn't get credit for my thoughtful advice.
  14. Shamansky is a criminal defense attorney, so he's probably not best suited for this type of case - where I'm assuming you're trying to make sure the deadbeat taxi cab guy pays for all of your expenses? If so, then you'll want to check out someone like Kevin Kurgis?
  15. Sam Shamansky. Won't be cheap, but will definitely be worth it. Especially worth it if this is an accident in which there is a likelihood of substantial consequences. If it's a fender-bender, then don't bother. If it's alcohol- or injury-related, then you should be calling before you finish reading the end of this sentence.
  16. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/flylikeag6.jpg
  17. Holy fuck you're installing a lake in your backyard?
  18. Also, anything posted by Kenny was usually epic. Ever notice that his posts were only like two or three sentences long at most? Guy was genius.
  19. Okay, so I've been trying for the past 30 minutes to find the post where you did the "Dr. Z06 Fan Club" tee-shirt, and have had zero success. Halp me find the epicness that is that post of yours?
  20. Sorry to hear about the accident, but very glad to hear you're okay.
  21. A few thoughts on Pelini. I like him and I find myself wanting him to do well. However, if he has any interest in coaching at Ohio State, I'd think he'd want to (and need to) knock off the Woody Hayes-berating players stuff, else the powers-that-be (you'd think) would never extend him an offer.
  22. ^^^ great info - really like what I just read, as well. And, who knows, maybe five or six years from now Meyer reemerges on the scene...just in time for Tressel to retire? Have any feeling for how long Tressel wants to stay? Also, didn't Meyer have the "Ohio State opt out" clause in his Florida contract? Just wondering aloud.
  23. Whoa, reports are out that Urban Meyer has stepped down from coaching...again. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news;_ylt=Ah5OrUu6DbD4FW8ewJWHus8cvrYF?slug=nfp-20101208_report_urban_meyer_to_resign_from_florida
  24. Dr. Pomade

    umm ?

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