You fuckers are making this more difficult for me!
First, I'm all about the BMW. Someone posts a pic, it's money. Yay, going with BMW.
Then, we start talking about the reliability issues with respect to the BMWs. Someone posts up the S5 pics. BMW you're out, S5 you're in. Yay for Audi!
Whoops, hold up. Andy starts talking to me about Porsches. My hair product + a Porsche = awesome douchiness. Okay, let's roll with a Porsche. Bye Audi.
Enter the Cadillac. My family had like four when I was growing up, always been a fan. Somewhere, though, the Cadillac got left out of my early considerations. Now all of a sudden it's a major player. Perfect, let's go American, help the economy, look baller, have a fast daily driver. Yippy!
But, wait, I don't really like the Cadillac in white. BMW and Audi look better - IMHO - in white versus the Cadillac, and I have my heart set on a white daily. FUUUUUUUUUUU