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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Isn't it awesome how simplistic but yet decidedly genius a kid's mind can be at times? My stepdaughter - who is four years old - said something the other night at the dinner table that had my wife and I laughing. Somehow, we started talking about honey, like the stuff bees make, and how it's manufactured and sold and so forth. My wife says: "It's kind of weird that the bees make all that honey and then we just go in take it from them and then put it in the store to sell it." With all confidence, my stepdaughter asserts: "Well, we don't take it from them, but someone else does and then they put it in the store." Apparently, she interpretered my wife to mean that, quite literally, we (i.e., my wife, my stepdaugther, and I) go out and take the honey and put it in stores for people, which, of course, was decidedly incorrect. My wife and I looked at each other, shrugged in knowing she was absolutely right, and laughed. Then I locked my stepdaughter in a closet for three days for being insolent. However, that's besides the point. Kids are sometimes awesome in what they think.
  2. 45.7% of people in this thread think I'm a better breakdancer than Mary Tyler Moore.
  3. Newest report out is that Miss State says that school officials talked to both Cam Newton and his dad and both of them made specific references about money. And this is what it looks like when your Heisman campaign hits a brick wall.
  4. For real - Putty, could you get any farther away from the guy?
  5. Why would you want to ban the Igor guy? You want him to see all the abuse he's taking. Dude deserves it.
  6. If the state was all liberals, then they wouldn't have the death penalty. I get the gist of what you're saying, though. I would think if anyone deserved the death penalty, this guy does. And his co-defendant too.
  7. Embarrassed Bear is embarrassed.
  8. Some of those were pretty good. There's one where someone gets whacked with a remote control car, which reminded me of this classic vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHZJv8APS-c
  9. Agreed. Thanks for sharing, Bucktastic.
  10. The Spelling & Grammar Police - who happen to be Caucasian - have issued a warrant for your arrest. They will laugh heartily at the irony of it all.
  11. Yeah, I know each of the AQ conferences get 1 automatic berth in the BCS, and I know (or at least I think I know) that only two teams maximum per AQ conference are allowed in the BCS (e.g., three teams from the Big 10 can't all be in BCS bowls the same year). However, is there rule that prevents the BCS from pitting a two teams from the same conference in a non-championship BCS bowl game? For instance, let's say that Wisconsin loses a game and gets thrown out of the mix and Ohio State and MSU win out. Now, is there a rule stopping the, say, Rose Bowl, from taking Ohio State (as the automatic bid from the Big 10) and then taking MSU as an at-large? I can't say I disagree with anything you said on Cam. Maybe I'm just jealous TP isn't doing the same/getting the same love. I agree with you on the other stuff you said about Alabama, etc. I guess I'm just jealous there too. I bet I wouldn't be as upset over this SEC stuff if Ohio State hadn't got manhandled in the two championship games against SEC opponents.
  12. I agree that people would throw a fit about tOSU and MSU playing in a BCS bowl. I don't totally agree that it wouldn't make sense financially. Why wouldn't it? Ohio State is about as big a draw on TV as anyone (except for maybe Notre Dame), and I know they travel as well as anyone - so ticket sales would be fine. But are you thinking it wouldn't be as big a draw as say, Ohio State versus Stanford/Alabama/Boise State? I guess I could agree and disagree there. I agree that Iowa will be a difficult game. I'm not too worried about Penn State or Michigan, but I'm inclined to agree with your assessment that they are usually tough games, regardless.
  13. A few thoughts: I haven't read the BCS rules in a bit, but is there anything forbidding two teams from the same conference from facing each other in a BCS bowl? Like, for instance, Michigan State and Ohio State in the Rose Bowl? Would anyone want to see that even if it was allowable? Maybe this is the SEC hater in me coming out, but why is the national media annointing Cam Newton the Heisman winner? Is it because everyone thinks the SEC is god and that Cam is the best player on the best team (right now) in the SEC, and thus that means he MUST be the Heisman winner? Someone help me understand. SEC hating part deux: why all the fucking love to Alabama? They haven't done anything since getting handled my South Carolina, yet somehow they're creeping way up into the BCS rankings and are being talked about as a legitimate contender. Meanwhile, Ohio State has had a similar season - we've beat a bunch of nobody's too and then got handled pretty good on the road by a ranked opponent - yet we get banished from the top 10. Again, help me understand here.
  14. People use my sketches to teach photography classes.
  15. I once made a few marks on a piece of paper to see if my pen still had ink in it. Now it's hanging in the Louvre.
  16. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs493.ash1/26965_416746122649_89864202649_5257450_2200766_n.jpg
  17. Okay, enough fucking around. Sorry, can't really help. Though I wonder - there's got to be someone at CCAD that does freelance drawing, right?
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