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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I only buy vehicles for graduates of Brookhaven High School. And I'm pretty sure no one on here fits that profile...........dots
  2. Better than a 98 Mustang GT with hazards flashing doing fly byes? YES NO NEVER MAYBE ALWAYS SOMETIMES DEPENDS
  3. But I think I want a white C6 Z06? Is this acceptable? YES NO POSSIBLY MAYBE DEPENDS
  4. Props to the OP for having an avatar that wins at life.
  5. I just read up on him offing himself in front of some building in Boston. I think it was down the street from Harvard University, not across the road from it.
  6. We'll pass the suicide dude who's being held in limbo on the way there...
  7. I'm not even sure why you felt obligated to reply to my post - it's not like someone was holding a gun to your head.
  8. This thread needs your negativity like I need a hole in the head.
  9. I thought there for a second he was off base and he was like - BANG! - and totally hit the bullseye.
  10. Here are the cliffs: - Society sucks - *bang* Please don't off yourself, though. I miss seeing you in the gym just working on your fitness.
  11. I'm not so sure rational and suicide belong in the same sentence together. Of course, I suppose I could come up with a few scenarios in which suicide is rational (the scene from Aliens comes to mind when the butch Latina Marine and the other dude are trapped in the ventilation shaft decide to blow themselves up with a grenade rather than succumb to the approaching aliens), but I'd think, for the most part, suicide is an irrational action, or an action preempted by irrational thinking. Just my take.
  12. I think you're confusing me with someone that's smart?
  13. This is me hating you for what you did to my retinas and psyche all at the same time. Burn in nuns-eating-shit hell, you bastard. Burn I say.
  14. DJ, whoa, I am so sorry for your losses. I've been away and didn't know. I'd think there are a number of agencies (e.g., Goodwill, The Kidney Foundation) that could assist you. Maybe they'd be willing to come out and take out all of the things you're ready to part with, and it's a win-win-win situation: a charity gets something, you get to know that you're giving something worthwhile to an agency/people that need it, and you honor their memory in the process by doing something noble.
  15. Ha, yup - if Boise wants to be considered amongst the "big boys," then they have to do as the big boys do: you do a home/home and no one gets money on either end to do it. Think Ohio State paid Texas or USCw or Miami to do a home/home or vice versa? Boise needs a reality check in that department.
  16. I didn't read much, but I was stuck by the irony of someone writing about sociobiology and Darwinism and then committing suicide.
  17. I can be on board with most of what you said with the glaring exception of this. I think it's all about money, not about being scared. Why doesn't Ohio State go play Ohio University in Athens? I'm fairly sure it's not because Ohio State is scared of Ohio Univerity...
  18. This triple post means that I heart you.
  19. Just followed Ben's link. (Though he gave me some shit for not using the search feature, I'm not really sure how I would have ever have found that thread without knowing it was a birthday gift.) Congratulations - that car is straight hot. I'm debating between going with white or cyber gray myself. In any event, that's a great vehicle and and even better surprise. I would have been floored.
  20. What the hell are you talking about with all this shit about scrotums and orifices? Hey, I'm down for pizza whenever. Even if I have to buy your friendship with extra cheese.
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