A few thoughts:
Whoever said to stretch before working out is wrong. You never stretch a cold muscle, according to prevailing current standards.
Whoever said that a muscle can completely recover in 24 hours is completely wrong. Most experts would contend that even the smaller muscles that can be worked out twice in a seven day span - such as abs and calves - still need at least more than 24 hours to recover.
Whoever said that a tricep is a small muscle is wrong. Yeah, maybe small compared to a pec or a quad, but a tricep is still a fairly substantial muscle, especially in relation to the arm. Want big arms? Focus more on triceps before you focus more on biceps.
Whoever said recovery is essential is absolutely correct.
Shanton, about your "playboy" workout, I've heard many a meathead say: "The top won't grow unless you feed the bottom." They swear that you can't get bigger up top until you work your legs. Not sure how correct that is, but I figured I'd share with you nonetheless. (FWIW, I noticed substantial gains in my upper body once I started doing legs, so, in my case, the meatheads were right.)
I firmly believe that, in terms of how you look, 80% of it has to do with what you eat. You can be in the gym 24/7, but if you eat like shit, then you'll just end up looking like shit. If you're trying to sculp your body, then you absolutely MUST eat better.