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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. There is a CAT IN A TREE in my neighborhood and I am pretty sure it is STUCK - HELP!?!
  2. Are you just making shit up to start new threads? Or are you really this histrionic?
  3. Why? I've never been, so I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on it.
  4. This thread ranks somewhere between the cure for cancer and God.
  5. For real?!? Yeah, I know that guy - total jerk. One time, I got a flat on Roberts Road, and I called him and was like, "Hey, Dan, I got a flat; can you bring me another tire?" And he was like, "What, do you think I work at a tire store? HAR HAR HAR!" and then he hung up. So, then I fucked his wife.
  6. No, it's apparent that you don't know all of it, or else you wouldn't start stupid fucking threads like this whining about the rules.
  7. LOL, don't listen to Skinner, he's just messing around. Really, it's mine. I've worked at that Tire Discounters for only a few months now; I used to run the one in Polaris. Anyway, my plans for it this winter are to put a bigger single on it and maybe run some spray to help with spooling.
  8. No one really cares that you're into Sunfires and Cavaliers. No, what people really care about is whining and self-entitlement. Look, dude, this site is privately own, and the owners can make the rules whatever they want. You're being here is a privilege, not something that you're entitled to participate in just because you're into cars. And the culture here is such that if you whine about the "rules" or act as though you're entitled to something, then you're going to get flamed - and deservedly so.
  10. Maybe you could step in front of a bus? TIA!
  11. From what I got from that thread, Thorne was just being Thorne. Maybe I'm missing something?
  12. So, WVU ended up - literally and figuratively - running away with the game last night. That Devine kid looked quick. Yeah, I'm off to invest in a new scarlet wardrobe, including a red poncho.
  13. Thanks for the replies (e.g., from Hal). I've got other tickets lined up; if I didn't, then I'd probably buy these. Good luck with your sale, 1fast5gp.
  14. Both WVU and Auburn have been disappointments this season. BTW, I have my tickets for the OSU-Penn State in line, so I should be good to go for this weekend.
  15. LOL, seriously, that sig is out of control. This guy is a mess...
  16. What kind of women are you dating where you need to deadlift three times your own body weight to throw them around...?
  17. Saw your car yesterday; it was being trailered up 315N. Looked great. My girlfriend was like, "What does LS ONED mean?" And I'm still expecting to see Pedobear make an appearance in your sig.
  18. Date night tonight? Call me. XOXO
  19. I took this thread to Spice with me last night and showed it to three girls; two of the three later decided to have sex with me, and the third one had sex with my laptop.
  20. Subscribing to this thread now; will definitely read again before going to bed.
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