First, retard, you're not even quoting Mensa correctly. Instead, it looks like you're making shit up again, like where you made up statistics about the portion of IQ tests that devoted to problem solving. Here's a fucking newsflash, Mr. Mensa: 100 percent of IQ tests are devoted to problem solving. Wouldn't be much of a question if you didn't need to solve a problem, huh?
"Hello, this is an IQ test. Here's your first question. Think of the color blue. Okay, great! There's a point. Now, for the next question, listen to me say the following: "basketball." Okay, great, you did! Awesome, there's another point. Wow, from these results, you're a genius."
Second, quit thinking that only intelligence tests utilized by Mensa are acceptable and, commensurately, quit typing all the stupid shit that you think you know about Mensa and intelligence tests just because you have a keyboard, a monitor, and an Internet connection. Rather, get back to me when you've done some research on the following tests not "accredited" by Mensa:
- the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition
- the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition
- the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities
In the meantime, maybe you should try this really great, but very brief, measure of intelligence. Get a jigsaw puzzle. Put it in the oven. Turn the oven on to 450 degrees. Put the jigsaw puzzle together with your forehead in as little time as possible. If you can do it in under three minutes, then you're a genius.