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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. So, I'm willing to bet both of those averages are well below (1) Ohio State's overall winning percentage, (2) their winning percentage since 2000; and (3) their winning percentage under Meyer.
  2. Okay, not going to lie, I actually don't hate that.
  3. I don't mind alternate uniforms. In fact, I like the idea of them. However, what I don't like are alternate uniforms that look stupid. Tron wanna-be unis? Your dumb Matte black South End primer unis? Your dumber
  4. Maybe it's just me (and I'll have to consult the stats to verify this), but Ohio State seems to do worse at home, and especially at night games at home. Meaning, it feels like Ohio State loses a disproportionate amount of night games at home. Night games at home that stand out in this vein: Penn State 2008, USC 2009, and Virginia Tech 2014. In fact (and I've said this before), I think, under Meyer, Ohio State has been a better road team than a home team. I think we get lazy and complacent at home, and on the road we are forced to be focus, galvanized, etc. Again, I should fact-check myself with stats. In the meantime, I'm worried about Penn State. And I swear to all that is holy, if we lose to them in those stupid fucking all black uniforms I'll change my name to something like Johnny Alt Uni or Johnny Fuckeyes just out of spite. For the record, I'd be okay with the black unis if we kept the silver helmet. But instead I bet we go with some dumb Oregon State matte black look that will make me think of a primered car from the South End.
  5. The USC couch fire has now escalated to a dumpster fire: Sark taking an indefinite leave of absence. Various rumors/reports flying around, ranging from him being intoxicated at a team meeting today; to him being drunk on the plane on a trip back from Washington State in 2014; to him being drunk during the Arizona State game. Yikes. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/report--usc-coach-steve-sarkisian-to-take-a-leave-of-absence-212810136.html
  6. Even if you're correct - and I don't think you are - what does that have to do with him not being worthy of Top 5 consideration? Tiger Woods is about the biggest dick in the golfing universe and undoubtedly is top 1 or 2 all time. Him being a dick doesn't affect his ranking; not sure why Braxton being a little selfish or not an NFL prototypical QB has to do with him not being a great Buckeye player.
  7. Fournette only rushed for 158 yards. Only.
  8. Wake: 3 Boston college: 0 Final score. I am not making that up
  9. That's probably not too far from being realistic.
  10. Congratulations! And you're welcome.
  11. Christ, Michigan 38, Mildcats 0 Northwestern amassed a total of 167 yards. Yikes. Michigan hasn't allowed a TD - or any score? - in like three games now?
  12. Well, now I know why Chubb looked like he was about to die: I just saw the replay of the injury and it's fairly gruesome. Vid of it is here; it's not pretty. Think Lattimore injury.
  13. Oklahoma LOL Charlie Strong might have saved his job for the year
  14. Turned it over to Georgia - Tennessee game and Nick Chubb was being loaded on to a cart. And he looked dead. Like literally deceased.
  15. Yup like a little turd on top of a delicious red velvet cake.
  16. Maryland has now reverted back to being Maryland and not Tommy Frazier's Nebraska
  17. He is so good at planting that foot and launching up the field
  18. Someone needs to give the shrug to jive's kid.
  19. Bosa having a great second half. Probably doing this to spite Josh.
  20. Okay let's not take our foot off the pedal
  21. Elliot has got to be a first round pick - dude can do it all
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