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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I always envisioned CR as expanding to something like OT.com, where you have a bunch of different topics, with cars being one of them. Maybe that's me being grandiose, but I always thought CR had that potential. Of course, to get there, it would need to open the doors up wide to the Internet and foster a sense of inclusiveness as opposed to exclusiveness. I think Jordan nailed it when he said that drama drove up attendance. Back in 2005, the Internet and cars and street racing was VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS and that was reflected in the drama and multi-page threads that were around at that time. With no drama, you have less interest, and with less interest, you have less attendance. One way of having more people talk on CR is to have more people on CR. You get more people on CR by making it easier for them to find CR and to join. I would suppose one way you could accomplish that is by lessening the restrictions for joining. Do people still have to sign up to get on CR? If so, that's a major roadblock. I can tell you right now if I go to a website with anything less than major interest or need to be there and they ask me to sign up I am x-ing out with the quickness and not thinking twice about it. I would be strongly opposed to scaling back CR and making it only about cars. I haven't come here for cars in a long, long time. I come here for college football discussions, mainly - and that has like zero to do with cars. But that's the beauty of CR - it's a place where I can come and talk about CFB and then see some stupid posts by Das Borgen in the LOL thread and then watch Geeto6 guy be condescending to someone and be entertained by all of it. If you make this place only about cars, you're going to have like three people here: Clay, Cordell, and some random guy from the South End. Crickets. Seriously. I'd consider a name change. Is CR.com available? It could be an instrumental change that has symbolic meaning: you are going from a "racing" website to a more inclusive, all-topics-are-cool-here website. CR should be a place people can come to for everything. Weather report? Ben and Jeffro are on it. Stock market? Yup, I see threads about it all the time. Need to buy an expensive watch? Talk to that diamonds guy. Need ballroom dancing lessons? See jump'n'jive. I know that I find myself coming to CR just to keep up on internet trends and pop culture stuff. I can tell you that I am not coming here just because I think fast cars are cool (even though that's true). I'd also consider making it easier for people to get on CR. Maybe you don't have to join to see most of the site, but you do have to be a member to see some of the site or something like that. Meaning, open the doors to the internet, but maintain some exclusivity, so those of CR who want to hide from the masses can continue to do so. I'd stop having people post intros to get let on to the site (if that's still a thing). I think that is the sort of thing that makes the outside of CR see CR as being pompous and elitist. Ditch the intro initiation stuff and just allow people on. I've always said that the trolls and idiots and clowns of CR make it great. Yes, those people are annoying, but they are also entertaining. And I've always been very vocal about saying that you can strangle the entertainment out of a site by making it too restrictive. The masses of the internet - and remember, half of them will have an IQ lower than 100 - are what make the internet what it is: entertaining, intriguing, interesting, informative, etc. If you want CR to be that, then you need to bring the internet to CR. Cordell, I appreciate you bringing this up. I hope what I've offered helps. I'd like to see CR expand and thrive. It's the only site on the entire internet that I actually care about.
  2. so South Carolina is going to move it's game with LSU to LSU because of the flooding. So, is South Carolina still the "home team?" Kind of a raw deal for SCAr.
  3. Leave him a plate full of delicious food and some money. Srs thx http://www.backcountrygallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/peeking-raccoon.jpg
  4. Help. My family has no idea I am here. Battery getting low on my phone.
  5. That's awesome - congrats. BTW, with that goatee, the glasses, the black headwear, and the yellow jumpsuit, you look like a flying Heisenberg.
  6. Virginia tech lost. Again #qualitywin
  8. I want to watch the Florida game by Sling TV is being a jerk
  9. yeah because Ohio state has been great at covering the spread so far this year HRMMMM FACE GOES HRMMMM
  10. IOwa or northwestern might beat this Ohio state team by 3 TD's
  11. ohio state definitely looks shitty. Hopefully they can get the kinks worked out. I don't mind a couple of close games to get them battle tested. It might be a case of Ohio state just playing to the level of competition (see USC 2002-2008). Or it might be that we just aren't that good of a football team right now.
  12. Yeah Indiana is a decent team. They should be ranked. If they were in SEC they'd be ranked about #13
  13. Cold and shitty here. Meanwhile UCLA is now playing in 81 degree, sunny, 51 percent humidity weather Kill me
  14. Fuck get the hell on the bus and leave now
  15. LOL they are going to kill this soap opera kid
  16. They are a one trick pony at this point - read option x infinity
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