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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Wow speaking of herp Nice tackle Michael Thomas
  2. Did you guys hear about the crash at the Oklahoma state homecoming parade? Car ran into crowd, 4 dead, 8 in critical condition. Driver arrested on suspected DUI.
  3. The Brutus Buckeye mascot they show behind Herbsteit and Fowler looks like a sex offender.
  4. Yeah I totally jinxed it. Sorry Tennesee
  5. Geez Alabama's d line just went all kinds of prison riot crazy on Tenneseee
  6. Jive on suicide watch. Tennessee winning. 3:30 left in game
  7. I'm now remembering why I avoid watching the SEC on CBS - Verne and Gary are about the worst in the business. These fucking clowns are all over the place. Verne has dementia. Gary has Saban's dick in his mouth.
  8. I think the slipper falls off Utah's foot tonight. USC wins.
  9. As I was looking at the pics, I though, "These are the kinds of pics I'd expect to see in an Audi brochure or something." Just really fantastic looking.
  10. I took my BMW in for service, they gave me a brand new 5-series as a loaner. It was an x-drive, but, beyond that, I think it was a pretty basic model. Definitely nothing spectacular. In fact, the car was kind of lame. Just kind of doofy looking as far as a BMW goes. The sticker for the car was still in the backseat: $56K+. I was dumbfounded - how could something so underwhelming cost so much? Then I started thinking about what $56K could have bought in terms of a car just 10 years ago, and I convinced myself that car prices have skyrocketed in the past decade. Not sure if there are any facts to back that up, but, regardless, it sure seems like you don't much for your money anymore when it comes to new cars.
  11. Whoa looks like someone just threw a grenade in there
  12. Tim May sounds like such a hick. I cringe when I think of people hearing him and thinking that's how people from Columbus talk.
  13. It's good, but not great, and sometimes it can be very annoying. Why it's good: you get a bunch of sports channels and then a couple of other relatively cool channels (like AMC and TBS) for relatively cheap. Why it's not great: because sometimes it can be very annoying. Why it's sometimes very annoying: because the signal will cut in and out on you periodically, and sometimes channels won't even load. Like, for instance, last night we all sat down to watch The Walking Dead - a big perk for us, since we love that show. However, the channel wouldn't load. Nope, just frozen, can't open the AMC channel, so we are just sitting there hopelessly/angrily watching a blank screen while we are sure the show has already started. That has happened probably 10 times over the past two months or so that I have had it when it really annoyed me. (It probably happened twice that many times, but I didn't care that much to be annoyed by it.) Obviously, if my kids are full-on iPad streaming mode and the wife is full-on Instragram/FB/whatever mode, then that will cause some disruption to the quality/stream. However, even with everyone in the household off of devices, it still periodically freezes up (like it did last night with TWD). Overall: try it out, see if you can live with the annoyances, and go from there. They offer a free trial period, and that gives you plenty of time to try it out and see if it's going to work for you. I know Sling TV got some bad reviews, which were kind of in line with my criticisms: it's great when it works, but it doesn't always work like it should. Bonus: you can watch Sling TV on your mobile device, which is cool, as I can stream The Bourne Identity as I'm sitting in the airport in Atlanta.
  14. Yeah according to the SRT site there are like 50,000 different color combos you can come up with because they allow you to customize the paint in a number of ways. Super cool, I think. I'd really like to see a few in person.
  15. I secretly hope Baylor, TCU, or even Oklahoma make the playoff, as I'm convinced they'll get murdered by any team that has anything close to a pulse on defense.
  16. "Hello sir, welcome to Hot Topic! Check out these totally awesome skulled-out beanies - 25% off all weekend! What's that, you'd like some cool ganja stickers for your Trapper Keeper? See Skyler at the back register to see what we've got in stock."
  17. BTW, what did I tell you about Ole Miss after the win over Alabama? I think I said they could easily have three losses by November...currently they are sitting at 2. Ole Miss's schedule should be the following ever year: - McNeese State - Grambling - Groveport Madison - Alabama - Alabama - Alabama - Reynoldsburg - Whitehall Yearling - Independence High - Alabama
  18. Let's say that Michigan rebounds and goes on to win the rest of it's games. That means Ohio State will potentially have this to end the season: -Michigan State (if they don't lose, then they'll likely be around the top 5) -Michigan (if they don't lose, then they'll be around the top 10) -Iowa (if they don't lose, they'll be undefeated and definitely in top 10) -Playoff Game 1: to whoever, but they'll be at least top 4 -Playoff Game 2: to whoever, but they'll be at least top 2 So, for all the people bitching about Ohio State's schedule, if they win out, then I don't think anyone can give them shit at the end of the year, as they will have gone through a pretty solid group of teams to get there. Which, again, is why I think the playoff champions should and will be regarded as kind of an "ultra" champion, since essentially all of them (likely) will have to win three bowl-esqe games in a row (conference championship game plus the 2 playoff games). This is also why I would always give the nod to any team not named Notre Dame or in the B12 when determining playoff spots. You should definitely get dinged for not playing a conference championship game. It would be like the Patriots only having to play 15 games to qualify for the playoffs when everyone else has to play 16.
  19. Not sure this constitutes an error, but it's another gut-wrenching, last second loss: - Cordell Stewart's/Colorado's hail mary to win against Michigan at Michigan
  20. Per SRT build website, I think that color is anodized carbon (matte).
  21. I'd let you drive it - provided you do a video review as well.
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