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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  2. Serious question: if Ohio State came back and beat VT and then went on to do everything else they did, are they in contention for greatest season of all time? I know stats will come into play, and I think that statistically they would match up well with a lot of teams, right? Our yardage, points per game, yards per play, and margin of victory were all pretty stout, right? Similar question: where's this team rank in terms of best champs since the BCS era? For instance, mine would be: 1. 2001 Miami 2. 2004 USC 3 - 5 range: this Ohio State team ... 7 or so: 2002 Ohio State and so on and so forth Thoughts?
  3. Yup, he makes that catch and we only lose by 7. :/
  4. You criticizing him for a fumble is like criticizing Cardale Jones for his fumbles - every fumble could have been a difference maker. And everyone sucked during the VT game - not really fair to single him out for a shitty game there. You've got your Hater Hat on again, Josh. The correct answer is he did fine.
  5. Has anyone checked the field? That kicker's body might still be laying there. FINISH HIM FATALITY
  6. Exactly what is he not doing that he should be? I think he did fine. He's dynamic. And that block he put on the one dude and got ejected was (a) legal and (b) awesome.
  7. I'd add Alabama to that list too. They were living on our mistakes in the first 20 minutes of that game.
  8. Most difficult games of the year that we won, from most to least: 1. Alabama 2. Penn State 3. Oregon 4. Michigan State 5. Minnesota 6. Indiana 7. Navy 8. Who cares, all pretty much equal in terms of easiness What do you think? Yes, accurate?
  9. Something to consider: as long as the playoff is 4 teams, no one can have a more impressive resume than Ohio State. Ohio state beat the #1 seed and then the #2 seed as the #4 seed. You can't do any better than that in that format. Also, I'm interested in knowing how many teams have ended the season beating the #1 and #2 teams in back-to-back weeks. I remember not long ago Alabama and Florida playing each other as #1/#2 in the SEC CG, and then the winner going on to win the BCS NCG. Ohio State had a chance to do it in 2006 (or, at least, beat #2 twice in successive fashion). Of course, Ohio State's resume will loose a little luster next year when the playoff happens again and the two mega games have to be won to win the playoff. Unless Ohio State does it again next year...
  10. I think the win over Penn State was pivotal and a lot more important than what a lot of people perceive. I think Penn State has a really good defense and that it said a lot about Ohio State's ability to persevere under adverse conditions against a solid defense. I think it also allowed Ohio State to be "battle-tested" heading into the Michigan State game. And that sack by Bosa to end the game was just hands-down fucking epic.
  11. Thanks, but (thankfully) I whiffed on the call that the SEC would get two teams in.
  12. BTW, I just had this conversation on an elevator here at my work: I step on elevator. There are two other guys. Both older. Random Guy 1 just blurts out: "Those dropped passes were a little disappointing from the football team." Me: "What football team?" Random Guy 1: "Ohio State." Me: "What game are you talking about?" Random Guy 1: "Against Oregon." Me: "I'm not following what you're saying. How much better did you want us to do?" Random Guy 2 chimes in at this point: "I'm not complaining about anything." Random Guy 1 switches it up and goes to another equally weird line of dialogue: "I sure felt bad for some of those Oregon receivers." Me and Random Guy 2 in unison: "I didn't." Doors to elevator open, I make a break for it. Not shitting you, I hear Random Guy 1 say: "Yeah, we disrupted their passes using radio frequencies, but don't tell anyone." I hurry off, trying to put as much distance between me and awkward/mentally ill Random Guy 1 as possible.
  13. Defenses rarely get the amount of credit they should. So many times "mistakes" and miscues are attributed to ineptitude on the part of the offense, like it's something the offense did wrong as opposed to something the defense did right. Well, I think neither offenses nor defenses exist and a vacuum, and that defenses are capable of "creating" mistakes on the offensive side of the ball.
  14. Not bad at all, my man. Props - especially for calling yourself out on where you were wrong. I totally drank that Boomer Sooner Kool-Aid. NEVER AGAIN I can't remember who else I picked to do well (or if I even went on record with any predictions). Like Josh said, if you can give us the page, maybe we can go back and look.
  15. And one of their receivers being out, and that really good defensive back that got hurt and couldn't play. Don't forget those.
  16. My dad called me about 40 minutes before kickoff of the Oregon game. He was nervous about the game, thinking we were about to get run, etc. Like I told him, Alabama was substantially better than Oregon and that they were the tougher out. Alabama's lines actually did really good against ours, and I didn't think Oregon's would do nearly as well. Also, Alabama is one of the few teams that, athletically, can match up with Ohio State. Oregon, while skilled at some positions (Mariotta, for one), just doesn't have the athletic depth across all positions. I honestly think the Bama game was the real title game, just like Seattle beating San Fran a year ago was the real Super Bowl.
  17. Yup, with the last NC, you always had that contingency of naysayers that whined about the pass interference call and said we got lucky against Miami (when, really, we just beat them straight up). It detracted from just how quality of a win that was. Now, it's even more gratifying to know that there are no such "excuses" built in to this championship. Like I said, the winner of this thing was going to be seen as a mega-champion of sorts by virtue of having to win essentially two BCS games/title games. That we did, and we did in such a convincing fashion, speaks volumes.
  18. BTW Berto I agree with everything in your post. I like that the playoff allowed us to play our way back into things. Without it, we would have just been a hot team at the end of the year.
  19. I'm a little concerned how some articles use language like "Ohio state returned to prominence." They act like somehow we weren't relevant in the decade since we last won a title, which is just dumb, since Ohio State has been about the most winningest program in that time frame. Sure the Fickell year sucked, but it was surrounded by 10, 11, 12+ winning seasons. I guess the article writers need some slant, but come on - let's not act like a sleeping giant just awoke.
  20. TCU is like the guy at the bar that mouths off when his friends are holding him back. I'd like Ohio State to put a beating on them. They are a whiny bunch. Get the fuck over it already. Fucking crybabies. OSU would put 70 on them.
  21. DJ - 1 Jive - 0 Alabama's OOC schedule: LOL
  22. Those MasterCard rip off jokes stopped being funny sometime around 2005. And what clown is worried about the SEC when his team is playing the PAC12 champion. If I'm an SEC guy, then I'm telling that idiot to stop being a baby.
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