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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. He didn't get sacked because he has a Vince Young-like escapability and capacity to shrug off arm tackles.
  2. From an article on SBNation (a website which I find myself really liking):
  3. Yeah, the coaching staff earned every penny, and they deserves a lot of accolades. They took a lot of grief (and some rightfully delivered, IMO), and what's fair is far - they deserve all the credit for doing such a remarkable job.
  4. BTW, I'm finding that Uber is a very viable alternative to driving a nice car in shitty weather. For $5, I get picked up at my door within five minutes of opening the Uber app, I get driven downtown and dropped off at the door of my office, which means that I'm not paying for parking, using gas, worrying about where I'm going to park, worrying about parking a nice car in a crappy parking garage, or walking around in crappy weather wearing nice clothes. I think Marc's spot on: get the nice car you want and rent or Uber whenever it's not feasible to drive.
  5. It's the best team I've ever seen with my own eyes play at Ohio State. I used to say the 1998 team was the best I ever saw. I think this team beats that team by 2TDs. I can't offer much about the 1960s teams. Like the 1968 team, which I think is regarded by many as the best Ohio State team of all time.
  6. No one with four or more functioning neurons would ever claim this and be serious about it. I'd love to see the statistic on winning percentage for teams -4 or more in TO margin. It has to be like less than 10%, maybe even less than 5%, don't you think?
  7. Alabama could compete in the B1G West, I think. They'd be neck and neck with Nebraska and Wisconsin. In the East, they'd probably finish fourth. Maybe third if Penn State isn't quite back yet.
  8. Maybe? I get confused. I meant whatever USC team that did well after winning the NC the year before. I think they won in 2003 (split NC with LSU) and 2004, right? And then lost the epic NC game to Texas in 2005.
  9. I think the expectations for 2015 will be sky high, and for good reason. If we get complacent, then we look like this year's Florida State team. If we don't, then we look like USC in 2005.
  10. I still don't like the black numbers on the uniforms. However, I'll live with it. I'll tell my kids years from now they wore black to mourn the death of Oregon's title hopes.
  11. If not for the sanctions in 2012, Ohio State would have played Notre Dame for the title. (I think we probably lose that game, though.) If not for the loss to Michigan State in 2013, Ohio State would have played Florida State for the title. (I think Florida State curbstomps us in that game.) In his third season at Ohio State, Meyer played for and won a NC. Conceivably, he could have played for two and, without the sanctions, three titles. (Though the rationale would be if we didn't have the sanctions then we probably don't get Meyer, either.) Just some food for reflection.
  12. That entry into the wall was perfect.
  13. Old adage: they say when you have two starting QBs, you actually have none. New adage: when you have three starting QBs, you have a national champion.
  14. I am seriously about 7/10 excited to go home and watch the replay of the game tonight. Because we don't have cable, I had to watch the game at a bar and, for various reasons, that kind of detracts from me being able to digest a lot of what is happening in the game. Watching the replay allows me to savor all the greatest, kind of critique the not so great stuff (like some of Cardale's errant throws), etc. As for who should be the QB, I have no fucking clue. I guess this is why Meyer gets paid millions of dollars a year to make these very important decisions. I supposed with a gun to my head I say that JT is the starter and Cardale the backup. I don't want Braxton anywhere close to under center anymore. He can be an H back or whatever or take his brittleness to FSU. Our QB situation is just straight bonkers. No matter which way you go, you win-lose. JT back to the starter? Oh that means you're benching a dude that just beat three ranked opponents and won a NC. Wait, Cardale is the starter? Oh, so you're telling me you're going to bench the Heisman-worthy JT Barrett who only broke a bunch of fucking records? And so what you're saying is the 2-time offensive MVP of the league is - wait for it - 2 deep on the QB depth chart? Just bananas.
  15. Everything I say is gospel. Believe the hype.
  16. Huh? Mine was way closer than that. I missed it by 10 points. I called it 49-17 Ohio State, and final score was 42-20 Ohio State. Thanks for not acknowledging my greatness, though.
  17. What Zach posted earlier about Cardale never starting a game in Ohio Stadium but is a national champion is insane when you think about it. Cardale is a straight assassin. Oh, no practice time? Sure, put me in coach - I'll beat several highly ranked opponents in the most pressure-packed games possible, no problem. Here's your NC trophy, glad I could help.
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/tcu-fans-bringing-in--winner-plays-tcu--sign-to-cfp-title-game--photos-055038842.html I think I'll tell any TCU fan they should be thankful they didn't make it into the playoff. They can quit whining and just be happy they got to go beat up on an overrated Ole Miss team.
  19. I was saying to my buddy last night at the bar, "This could get ugly for Oregon." Had it not been for those 4 turnovers, I think we win by at least 30, maybe even 40. We just beat - convincingly, I might add - the two best teams from the two best conferences in back to back games (Alabama and Oregon). We essentially had to win two BCS title games 12 days apart. Also, remember, we beat the three Heisman candidates in back-to-back-to-back games. Mariotta had a good game last night, but he definitely wasn't spectacular like he has been for the vast majority of the season. Oregon, who was scoring like 49.5 points a game on average (I think), managed to score all of two touchdowns the entire game. And, note, the first TD was in like the first 2 minutes of the game. Virginia Tech was sitting home watching this game and were probably looking at each other like, "How the fuck did we beat that team, by two TD's, at home? Serious question, how did that happen?" LOL, WTF, shit is crazy. Just shows you how much a team can change over the course of the season. I am exceptionally proud of my team. This has been a crazy season, gentlemen (and lady/Trish). What a ride, huh? It will take a while for this to set in. And that's fine - I'll be relishing this season for a loooooong time. So, how many first place votes does Ohio State get preseason next year - all of them? The future is very bright, my friends.
  20. oregon should be thankful that was even a contest in the second half
  21. Honestly, I think this is one of those games in which, regardless of what happens, you can say, "Well, I'm not really surprised it turned out like that..."
  22. If we win, then I definitely will be on here in - drunk on both euphoria and Captain's.
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