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Dr. Pomade

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Posts posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I don't know enough to know who should be starting in the way of LBs. However, I was thinking last night about how giving up really big plays on defense would suggest a lack of speed on defense. I didn't think too much about it, so not sure if that's a dumb thought or not, but I figured it was worth sharing at this juncture. Maybe it's just a matter of taking poor angles. But, I have to admit, our defense doesn't exactly look all that fast.


    Arguing against myself: was it Harrison (39?) who ran down McSorely from behind to save a first down?

  2. I thought it was over when Penn State went up by 2 scores with 8 minutes or whatever left. Not sure this was a game we really deserved to win, but all really good teams sometimes win when they shouldn't. Though, not sure this team is really good, but, tautological reasoning leads me to conclude they must be. So, there's that.


    Some additional thoughts:


    - Chris Corso has been annoying me in a way that Brent Musburger used to in the 90s.


    - Penn State's white outs are impressive. I despise Penn State, but I am begrudgingly respectful of the white outs.


    - what's up with not spying the QB the entire time? There must be some rational there that is beyond my comprehension. Was there some fear that by leaving a spy on McSorely the entire time it would allow the secondary to be exploited? Just wondering.


    - McSorely was really good. I am with everyone else in existence in being confused as to why their last play involved him handing the ball off. Relieved for sure, but man that was a stupid play.


    - Victor reminded me of Terrell Pryor insofar as it never looked like he was really running yet he covered a bunch of ground and no one could catch him.


    - speaking of being annoyed by Corso, no one catching him, and players named Pryor, it was almost awesome that Pryor nearly ran down their receiver from behind on that mega-long pass play when Corso yelled "THEY'LL NEVER CATCH HIM!" That would have been glorious. Dammit.


    - WTF is up with us giving up record-setting plays on defense? Yeesh.


    We beat Penn State by one point last year, too (39-38).

    That's gotta sting.


    Yeah, this rivalry has been really good lately. The game in 2016 was close as well. I see Penn State as being a much bigger rival than Michigan at this point in history.


    Clemson at #4 still. LSU > ND. Wtf?


    At least the pollsters were smart enough to have Ohio State leapfrog them.


    I'm not really sure why Georgia is #2, or really why Alabama is #1. Neither has played anyone. But, okay, SEC, whatever. Clemson's living off historical fumes at this point; in reality, they look like a 10-15 team. LSU deserves to be ranked high and so does ND as well as Ohio State. Not sure why Penn State dropped because they shouldn't have. Ohio State moves up, Penn State moves down - huh?


    Kentucky #13. The SEC hype train just hit a higher gear. Alabama could lose 3 games this year and still snag the #3 spot in playoff.

  3. I try and bring that play up as much as I can. Hackenberg went down like a little baby.




    I honestly think everyone - like the announcers - were stunned because, well, I am not sure anyone has ever seen a game end like that. I certainly can't ever recall a game ending because a defense player bulldozed an offensive player into the QB resulting in a sack.

  4. Sacking a QB with one of his offensive linemen is definitely grounds for free whatever-you-want from OSU fans for life.


    Free list:

    - White Castle hamburgers

    - Roosters chicken wings

    - Four String Hilltop Lager

    - OYO liquor

    - blumpkins behind the Varsity Club.

    - Auto-renewing 2-year leases on Chevy Silverado's



    It was a running back, IIRC.

  5. Takeaways/impressions:


    - I think TCU is a solid team. I was impressed with their defense. I also like how they just went right after Ohio State with the up-tempo. No fear, have to respect that. I think this is an impressive win for Ohio State.


    - I think Ohio State made really good adjustments at halftime. TCU looked lost/befuddled/impotent on offense for large portions of the second half. The TD pass was kind of garbage; the QB made an ill-advised pass into double coverage, our DB turned the wrong way, and the receiver made a gift catch. Meaning, they definitely weren't driving in the second half the way they were the first half. I credit coaching.


    - Ryan Day has really impressed me. It doesn't sound like I am the only one worried when Urban returns to take over the helm. And how crazy is it to even say that? But I am. I had like zero clue who Ryan Day was 3 months ago; now I want him to stay forever. <3


    - I will trust our defense (LB and DB play, specifically) will continue to improve as the year goes on.


    - I worry about Penn State. I hate Penn State. Stupid Happy Valley and that dumb cougar loudspeaker roar. Die stupid cougar. Their mascot is a homeless dog. I digress.


    - I thought our offensive line did great against that defense (minus the low snaps, WTF?). I think that TCU team would have obliterated a JT Barrett led team.


    - Haskins is really impressive. And it wasn't like he had what anyone would call a fantastic game - and yet his stats were really, really good. I guess that dude has a massive ceiling.


    - whoever is calling the plays for Ohio State (Ryan Day?) is who I have a crush on right now.

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