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Dr. Pomade

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Posts posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Thanks for following the progress of Team Mercedes. I kicked-in a bit, too, to match the big-hearted giving of the members and sponsors of CR. You always come through for the Rally North America charities. You're my heroes!


    I think you're being slightly modest by saying you kicked in a "bit." And by slightly, I mean incredibly. You just took it to over 190% of your goal! :eek::cool:

  2. Scott and Austin are on point: as Scott points out, a lot of the characters who "died" (like Spiderman) have sequels in the works (that Marvel has already confirmed, so it's not like a rumor) and, as Austin says, even if we didn't have confirmation of the sequels being planned, there's just far too much cash left on the table for them to walk away from it.


    Rumor is that the Avengers most likely to die are the ones who have said they are finished once their contracts are up, like Chris Evans/Captain America. That makes more sense to me.


    As an aside, I think we're currently in a zeitgeist in which we are comfortable with - and even happy/sad or pleasantly surprised/shocked by - main characters getting whacked. It's what made (makes?) The Walking Dead so great - that show would straight off a main/beloved character. I think similar storytelling has found its way into film. Personally, I love that - it ratchets up the intensity and makes things more believable (for as believable as a story about gods/superheros/time-travel/etc. can be).


    Also, forgot to mention another favorite part of the movie: when Stark and Strange were going back and forth with each other. Two alpha narcissists going at it was fantastic to see.

  3. Saw it last night. Love it. Disclaimer: I am a total Marvel fan boy, so I can kind of like even really awful Marvel movies, like Fantastic Four and Green Lantern.


    A:IW was fantastic, IMO - right up there with my favorites. I think I still put the first Avengers as my favorite just because it so totally blew my mind, but A:IW is top 3 no doubt.


    Whoever said Thor - Ragnarok was great was spot on.


    I also agree with everyone who says that Black Panther didn't live up to the hype. It didn't, but that's mostly because people were calling it the greatest movie ever made. It's middle of the pack for Marvel movies (since 2008); a decent movie, satisfying, but no where near the level of any of the Avengers movies or even Thor - Ragnarok or Civil War.


    Some other random thoughts:


    - I really like Thanos. This was more a Thanos movie than anything. I like his complexity. Like, I totally got it: devotion to some crazy ideal utopia that involves genocide on a universal level that involves massive sacrifice (literally), loving on some level his adopted daughter who loves/hates him, etc.


    - Hulk is one of my favorite characters. I was in shock when Thanos jacked him up in hand-to-hand combat.


    - I laughed out loud several times, especially whenever the Guardians of the Galaxy were talking about Thor. That writing / their delivery is so good. I'm not sure how they keep pulling it off - as like we all expect them to be funny - and yet they do, but in such a non-forced way. It's just brilliant.


    - on Titan, with the big fight scene where they nearly had the gauntlet off Thanos' hand, the shot where they all have Thanos pinned was so visually spectacular and reminded me of exactly what it would look like in a comic book.


    - the Black Order was legit. I found myself wanting to see movies just about them. Ebony Maw, for instance, seemed incredibly complex and interesting despite the fact that we are just introduced to him and he has relatively little screen time.


    - when Dr. Strange agrees to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Stark's life, am I the only one who thought, "Oh, so that 1 scenario where the Avengers win out of the 14 million+ future scenarios where they don't that Strange saw must have involved Thanos getting the time stone" --- ?


    - so we all kind of know somehow time will be reversed and all of this mass obliteration will be undone, but I'm interested in seeing how exactly that plays out. I just hope they don't get too crazy with the time travel stuff.


    - speaking of time travel, are what we are seeing just 1 of many realities, one that has been played out before in some fashion? Here I am reminded of Stark's vision of seeing all the Avengers dead (remember the part with Cap's shield being ripped?), Thanos saying he knows Stark, and then the other part where Thanos makes reference on screwing up his destiny once before and be unwilling to do it again. So, did all of this happen once, where Thanos won, Avengers were dead, etc. only to have been reversed in some fashion so that now we are watching some alternate ending (that will, of course, end up the same way, with Thanos screwing it up somehow and the Avengers surviving)?


    As you can probably tell, I'm just looking for someone to talk to about this movie. I tried to talk to my wife about it this morning when she asked about it. Of course, I led out with, "Well, so there's this guy called Thanos, and he's like mega-strong, and he wanted this gauntlet, and..." to which she promptly interrupted, said "I don't really care, just wanted to know if you liked it" and then walked away. I would divorce her if I wasn't so begrudgingly impressed with that move.

  4. Looking over his inventory now. Damn, his prices are low. I will definitely look there next time I buy


    Anytime I have been thinking about a car, I just contact him, tell him what I am thinking, and he takes it from there. Meaning, it doesn't have to be a car in his inventory for him to get it for you. He'll get you what you want.


    Great car.


    I'd give this post 3 Schnauzie's but the image seems to be lost forever.


    Right? I tried finding it a while ago and couldn't. I am sure some internet wizard could find it...?

  5. I remember every day that I've left Jordan's in a fun car. Getting handed the keys after 5 whole minutes of paperwork followed by that first giggle-filled rip onto the freeway and hour+ drive home playing with a fresh new sea of buttons. It's addictive. I don't even want to sell my car, but I want to buy another one from there.


    Anyway, congrats on the car. I can't think of anything else that screams "you" more than that thing.


    Good point about the paperwork. I think I clocked my time in at just around 4 min and 39 seconds, though 2 minutes of that was me chit chatting. Seriously, the paperwork is a breeze - and another huge perk of doing business with them.


    Now, about this comment that this car screams me - go on. I am in need of analysis, please.


    It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since you helped me out by selling me an entire office worth of furniture so we could start JET Auto. You getting the deal on the Porsche was just that good karma coming back your way. Lol




    Nice fucking Hellcat Killer! Love it!


    Are you still doing detailing?


    Nice car, but I thought Tony Stark drove Audis.


    Funny you should say that. A few months ago I seriously considered a 2017 R8. Test drove one (it was white, so hot) and everything. However, I was a little underwhelmed by it for whatever reason. And, perhaps more importantly, I felt as though I just couldn't daily drive it. I mean, I know I can, but the R8, to me, is more of a weekend car, and I didn't want just a weekend car in this purchase, if that makes sense.

  6. History shows that I cycle between white cars and black cars. I'm not sure what this means other than I am predictable, dichotomous, and great in bed.


    More and more, though, I have been thinking about color in my car. Not long ago, a red 997 drove past my house and I thought it was the most beautiful car I'd ever seen. I'm thinking of maybe just wrapping my car with some new color every couple of years as a way of breaking the routine and getting some color in my life.

  7. Is it fast?



    I bet it can't beat a 1987 Junkyard Supra from a 90 roll


    It's fairly fast, at least for me.


    And nothing can beat that car from a 90 roll.


    I got hard....the car is nice too.




    And oh those shoes! *swoon*


    I triple post and wear Magnanni's.

  8. Hi CR. You may not remember me. I used to post here a lot, but then I got really busy and don't have much time for posting. I am certain almost no one cares about this. I'm comfortable with that.


    However, I am sure almost everyone cares about a good deal and being treated really well buying a car. That's what you get with JET Auto. I feel like this is an infomerical. I'd be great at those.


    My most recent purchase from JET Auto: a 2015 911 Turbo S. I've wanted one for a while, and Jordan was able to get me exactly what I wanted. It's a great car, and I love it. It's a great daily driver. It's also fairly fast. Though, before I am surrounded and berated by the track heroes, let me just humbly admit that I cannot beat anyone here in any type of race against any other type of vehicle. I drive an automatic, I do crunches at the gym, and I put product in my hair. That should cover it.


    Jordan, thanks again for being a fantastic car guy and wonderful to work with. I won't buy from anywhere else.







  9. I'm waiting for any sort of relevant post about track driving from you.


    You're great at off the wall humorous internetting, and maybe drag racing? Don't know, don't care about drag racing.


    You can't call someone out on their driving and then all of sudden say you don't care about their driving.


    "You suck at driving."


    "Really, when did you beat me in a contest of driving?"



  10. You're just out of your element talking about track cars, no need to be ashamed.


    You have many other great qualities, or so you say.


    Maybe you should stop talking about things that go fast period, since you don't really don't have much experience doing that.


    Other things you shouldn't talk about:


    - light traveling places

    - jet fighters

    - the Flash

    - comets

    - you backpedaling out of arguments

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