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Dr. Pomade

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Posts posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Interesting... Penn State over Wisconsin? Kinda scares me a little if that's the case. The more I think about it, the more I think we NEED Wisconsin to win to ensure us getting in. Wisconsin really has no argument against us, Penn State does unfortunately. Although, I still like our argument better but Penn State definitely has a case. I'm just hoping some way some how Virginia Tech beats Clemson and there is no debate whether OSU "deserves" to be in or not.


    I can easily buy Wisconsin ranked higher than Penn State - no argument there.


    I agree - we want Wisconsin beating Penn State to help our chances.


    Also agree that life would be easier if Clemson loses to VT (a distinct possibility) and/or Washington gets bounced by Colorado.

  2. It might be more advantageous for Ohio State for Penn State to win, as I think they are getting into the playoff regardless of who wins between a Penn State / Wisconsin match up. That being said, I like to be able to control our destiny, so I'd prefer just to get to Indy, win it, and be assured a spot.


    Ohio State looked awful on offense for 3 2/3 quarters. Though, Michigan's defense is good, and good defenses have a way of making offenses look bad. I think it says something to play terrible for most of a game and then still win. They definitely aren't clicking on all cylinders, but even with a hole in a piston they still look decent at times. I'll take it.

  3. It can be close to freezing and snowy on Xmas eve and Xmas day. On every other day, it can be 80 degrees and sunny. It is also permitted to be overcast on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day.


    ^^^This is how it would work if I ruled the universe.


    If it's going to snow, I prefer Armageddon. Just all out chaos. Bypass the dustings and the 3 to 4 inches of snow and proceed directly to 17 inches of snow, closed businesses, and frozen tundra Walking Dead world.

  4. But who is better? The top 3 are pretty clear, but after that I don't think anyone stands out.


    Well, Pittsburgh for one...




    As of right now, I'd take any of these teams to beat Clemson:



    Penn State (probably)




    West Virginia

    Oklahoma State


    Ohio State



  5. None of Alabama's Heisman winners have really been deserving. The first one was kind of a pity Heisman because they went so long without one, and the others are kind of like secondary coaching awards for Saban just having really good teams.


    Clemson isn't even a top 10 team in my opinion. They've looked lethargic pretty much all season long. The ACC is a mess. They lost at home to an unranked Pitt team, they should have lost to Louisville at home, and they should have lost to NC State at home. Who have they beat that is really any good? Florida State? Get out of here. Auburn? LOL, right. Clemson is about the 15th best team in the country. Seriously.

  6. If Bama lost to Auburn, they would still have a really good shot of being invited to the playoff, regardless of whether Auburn won or lost in SEC CG. In fact, I think Alabama losing to Auburn is a great way for the SEC to get 2 teams into the playoff this year (whereas without that there's no way the SEC gets 2 teams into playoff).


    If Michigan loses to Ohio State, and it's a good game, and then Ohio State goes on to do well in and win in B10 CG, then I could see Michigan getting invite to playoff as the 2nd B10 team in.

  7. Michigan's schedule is laughable. Outside of Wisconsin and Penn State - both of whom they played at home (versus playing there at night) - they have played nobodies. They could be good or they may be fool's gold; I guess we probably have to wait until they play Ohio State to find out which it is.


    Alabama's defense does look really good. However, plenty of bad teams have scored on them. And I think LSU is awful, which makes Alabama look better on defense than what they likely are.


    The SEC East is a car fire. They will likely send a 4 loss team to Atlanta for SEC CG.


    I wonder how Washington would fare against a team that actually plays defense. I think that is what has hurt the B12 and PAC and even ACC teams in recent years: once they leave the defense-is-optional confines of their leagues they get beat up on.


    A good defense always beats a good offense in college, at least it seems to me.

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