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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I think I'm going to use this kind of stuff to just troll the shit out of any mouthy Penn Stater I come across. It's clear they are delusional about all of this; so rather than try to be understanding of their situation, I think I'll just make fun of them for it. Penn State has had waaaaay too long to get a fucking clue. Time's up, idiots. For real. Thanks OSU for making me look like a moronic fan boi yet once again.
  2. LOL, for real. The hypocrisy and inconsistency of the NCAA knows no bounds. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if they aren't just trolling all of us with these things.
  3. Defense was not the problem for Ohio State. Zack, I'm with you: the only time I was pissed at the defense was on that drive just before the half when it looked like Ohio State had just given up. Also, agreed that Braxton would have made a big difference in that game.
  4. People who can do impersonations that well are a little scary and a lot mesmerizing.
  5. Yeah, it looked that bad on TV, too. It reminded me of the Florida/LSU annihilations where it just looked like our offensive linemen were ole-ing the defensive linemen as they sprinted past them to maul our QB. Was anyone else amazed at (1) how many third downs VT converted; (2) how many miracle catches VT made to keep drives alive (and so many of those were on third down); and (3) how resilient/poised their QB was? That kid got whacked more than a few times but just kept coming. I was begrudgingly impressed with how game he was.
  6. Our stadium is lame. Quietest fans ever. VT defense is good. Our offensive adjustments were the opposite of good. I second whoever said 84 should be kicked off team. Turrible. So many athletes, so little use of them. We should place about 4th in our division. B1G LOL
  7. My phone situation is resolved. Thanks to everyone for your input and assistance. Mods/admins, please feel free to lock this thread.
  8. Or if you play in the SEC where only really, really good, fast teams are allowed to play and stay in the conference. Kentucky? Super fast; would place second in Pac12. Vanderbilt? Ultra fast; would likely win Big 12. Ole Miss? Light-speed fast; would likely place 2nd in NFC West.
  9. I just want to absolutely smoke Va Tech. Just straight curb stomp them to the tune of like 50 - 13. Ohio State needs that sort of beat down on their resume. Think 2004 USC...or what they did to us at their stadium in 2008.
  10. All PM's have been returned. Thanks everyone for your replies.
  11. My iPhone is now in iPhone heaven (or hell, more likely) and I need another phone. I'm not eligible for an upgrade for like 17 years from now, so I'm in the market for a replacement. Preferably, I'd like an iPhone, but I'll consider just about anything. Seriously, I thought of just buying a flip phone and rocking out with that like it's 2007 and zero fucks given. Anyway, let me know what you have. Thanks, Johnny No Phone
  12. All of these are fantastic. A+
  13. Thoughts: Braxton who? Addition by subtraction? I never base my assessment of a defense on a game against Navy. Their triple option is ultra whacky and almost always gets them a shitload of running yardage. Zero out of zero fucks given on yards allowed stat for this game. Come see me after next week and we'll talk. I love the athletes we have on the field. Defensive line looks like it has uber potential and I think they could be something special. Who are all these fucking running backs? Who cares - they look fast and athletic. JT Barrett looks to be leagues better than Braxton was at point in his career. He throws a decent ball. Better than the wounded ducks that were part of Braxton's repertoire his first year or so.
  14. Trying to find a site to watch the game online - help?
  15. LOL @ SCar. Love that they got their asses handed to them. Of course the ATM QB is now the Heisman frontrunner and ATM will be ranked in top 5 in next poll. #SEConspiracy
  16. Which would you rather have? Consistency like Ohio State and Oklahoma over an extended period of time, lots of big bowl game appearances, lots of wins, one NC in 15 years, but also several fairly high profile thrashings; OR Inconsistency like USC, Alabama, and Miami, with lots of low periods crappy seasons, but with several very dominant seasons and very high profile thrashings of other high profile teams and 3 NC in 15 years.
  17. Oklahoma is the only team I can think of that has had the run of consistency similar to Ohio State's. Maybe LSU as well? Though, come to think of it, I can't remember LSU being anything worth mentioning in the 1990s. Here are programs that come to mind when I think of being good/dominant in the BCS era (in no particular order): Ohio State USC Alabama Florida LSU Texas Oklahoma Miami Just missing the cut (again, no particular order): Oregon Florida State Georgia Michigan Auburn Wisconsin Teams that were dominant just before the BCS era: Notre Dame Nebraska If Ohio State would have won one or maybe two more NC's during the BCS era, they'd be regarded as hands-down the most dominant program in the past 20 years.
  18. On the USC stuff, I heard something about the story of him saving his nephew from drowning being a hoax - so that's been confirmed? LOL, idiot. Why anyone thinks they can get away with lies like that in today's technological age is beyond me. USC was the epitome of CFB dominance from 2002 - 2008. Now they are a joke. I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry. Probably laugh. I hate you, USC. And o0n8 (or whatever that screen name is) posted about the white Navy uniforms a few posts previously. I think they look cool.
  19. Here's your entire quote: I left everything there so that you didn't have a reason to go all crybaby on us. Now, please explain how the FSU-MSU game "would have looked similar to OSU-MSU" if FSU wouldn't have "stopped themselves." Go ahead, we'll wait. Or are you going to bitch out on this exchange like you did before? I'm still eagerly awaiting your dissertation on how a QB that is currently out for the entire season (after just throwing a football, mind you) is not injury prone... I realize you fancy yourself some CFB guru. Unfortunately, things like logic and common sense keep getting in the way of your greatness.
  20. I'd love to see Bama with three L's this year. Hell, I'll buy everyone here drinks if WV happens to pull the upset and knock them off this weekend. I get your reasoning re: Oregon. Speaking of teams beating each other up, the Pac 12 might fall victim to cannibalism this year, which could keep them from reaching the playoff (and thus reinforce your prediction). Does Baylor not play Oklahoma this year? Oklahoma usually owns Baylor; I'd think if they play this year that Oklahoma would be favored over them.
  21. As much as I despise this thought, I think the SEC is a lock to have 2 teams in. One will be the winner of the SEC West - so LSU, Bama, or Auburn. If the winner of the SEC West also wins SEC CG, then the loser from the East gets in as the second playoff team. If the winner of the SEC West doesn't win SEC CG, they still get in by virtue of winning the West division. I like your MSU and FSU picks for the playoffs. I think it'll be Oklahoma, not Baylor, for the Big 12 representative, though I don't think the Big 12 gets in the playoff. Instead, I think it'll be a Pac 12 team like Oregon or UCLA. The Pac 12's strength of schedule is shaping up to be ridiculous.
  22. Pat Forde thinks UCLA will come out of the Pac 12 this year. I see where he's coming from - though I also think he is a douche. I like Oklahoma. They looked very athletic and handled Alabama with a fair amount of ease in their bowl game. I've always had a soft spot for Oregon. Not sure why, but I've always wanted them to do well.
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