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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. What Escalade did you find for $10k??
  2. I'm not worried about her job in the fall. Seriously, she applied on a Wednesday. They called her that afternoon for an interview the following morning. She interviewed and had a job offer emailed to her by lunch. :fuckyeah:
  3. Damnit, why did you have to make it harder for me?
  4. I feel the same way about Glocks too. I’ve shot a few and they’re okay at best. I really like the FNs and have their FNS-9 on my short list, although the grip tears up my hand after a half hour of shooting. Shields are a great carry. Both my brother and brother in law carry one and it’s easily their favorite guns. I’ve been wanting to try a P320 as I love every Sig I try and everyone seems to rave about it. Striker fire + Sig = winning combination in my book.
  5. You can program the cars to max out at a certain speed. 45/55/65/80 mph.
  6. Non-profit special needs.
  7. To me, it sounds like a different type of being laid off whereas they’re trying to save money by not having to pay you your full income for a set period of time. Similar to what Geeesammy had to deal with. The difference for my wife’s job is they have put into writing that she, and anyone else that takes it, will have their job back in August. For us, my wife decided to take it after a medical emergency with my MIL came about and she won’t be able to watch our daughter for a while. Guess we will see what happens.
  8. Are you looking to rebuild something, or are you trying to buy something already repaired?
  9. Were you guaranteed to be hired back?
  10. Never was an issue the two times I had to use it. I don’t ever remember seeing it on any job applications.
  11. Funny you say that. They made an official announcement this morning that anyone who takes the furlough are guaranteed employment in August (year contract). They lost several teachers this year so they’d be doubly screwing themselves if they didn’t hire my wife and everyone else back. She’s really wanting a summer off. I don’t have a problem with it as long as we still have insurance. I just don’t want to screw anything up with her as a just-in-case.
  12. I forgot to mention that one of the main reasons we’re doing this is the money will cover the cost of our insurance since it’s through her work. If we don’t, we will have to pay it all out of pocket. That being said; 1. Work for 4 weeks and get salary for that month but still be on the hook the rest of the summer for insurance. 2. Not work, find some summer job and still pay for insurance. I’m just trying to find out if there’s any negatives to doing this. People keep telling her no at work, but no one seems to have a answer why. Google is no help either.
  13. My wife was offered to take a furlough for 10 weeks this summer. If she does, she can file for unemployment and get a portion of her salary. Is there any reason not to do this? Trying to research it, but most of the stuff I’m finding talks about government employees, which she is not.
  14. I bought this two years ago. Works great. Has good audio as it can pick up stuff outside of the car very well. Upgrade to at least a 32gb card if you're going to run 1080. I got one for Christmas for $6 off Amazon when they were doing some sale on them. I am running it off the adapter plug and having the wiring tucked under everything. It works for me as the one plug in the back always has power and the camera will turn itself on and off if there's movement. https://www.amazon.com/Black-Box-Capacitor-GPS-Stealth/dp/B00TXR2P40/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=a118+cam&qid=1552921105&s=wireless&sr=1-2-catcorr
  15. Fiji ST

    Dog kennel?

    We were very happy with PetSmart on Sawmill the few times we had to board our dog.
  16. Not necessarily anymore. A few banks still do this, but they’re rates are much higher than most. The majority of banks, especially credit unions, have gone with a simple flat-rate dependent on credit scores. No more marking it up to make a profit. I do agree with getting pre-approved beforehand to cover your back from any surprises and you’ll have a better idea of what price range you should be in.
  17. Since everyone is pushing you towards FWD and turbos, I’ll sell you my 14 ST.
  18. My wife and her family have gone to Dr. Briggs at Northwest Chiropractic for years. It's next to Bonefish Grille on Frantz if you don't mind a few more minutes behind the wheels.
  19. Sounds like your hard pressed on getting another RWD.
  20. I saw that blue Chiron driving up 315 the night before its big reveal at Esoteric last year. It was being followed by their orange 720. The guy has a crazy car collection you can see on Instagram. Also cool (to me at least) is seeing some prototype Fords in service every once in a while. Got to see the refreshed Fusion before it came out with the new 2.0 EB and front end. We also had about half-dozen 2020 Explorers here for a few minutes back in December.
  21. This was my cave until my daughter came along. Still got to keep my big TV. And the bar of course.
  22. Columbus is getting there. A lot of busy secondary roads are chewed up already. Probably have to go back to getting yearly alignments again.
  23. Growing up there, there hasn't been much changes/improvements around there except when they finally finished Rt. 28 (which still sucks north of Rt. 8) and when they were forced to fix bridges after that one collapsed in Minnesota years ago.
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