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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. I watched that yesterday. Don't ever remember seeing that car driving around.
  2. That was discussed and I think that would be a fair compromise.
  3. So the wife and I are redoing our bathroom this fall and we've hit an impasse. I would like to do one of those Bath-Fitter inserts as we have tile now and I absolutely hate taking care of the grout. She wants to do tile again as she likes the look and her parents had trouble selling their old house because they had an insert in their shower. Who's right? What's the better option?
  4. A family friend is selling his dad's BMW and I offered to put it up on here since a lot of you guys seem to like late-model BMWs. They are car people so I know it's been well taken care of. Car is located outside of Akron, FYI. https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/cto/d/2005-bmw-545i-44l-v8-e60-6/6681120590.html
  5. That must've been awesome to see in person.
  6. Cool car. Is it super tail-happy having all that weight on the back half of the car?
  7. I don't know anyone over at the Airport store personally, but I do second Bob at Billingsly. I'd also recommend Chad Sneed there as well. He helped my dad order his Outback a few years ago and I've known him for probably 5 years now. Good dude for sure.
  8. This is what my friend is doing at the moment on his 97. He decided to go this route after doing two separate patch jobs on the rear part of the frame. Sadly it's been two years and he still hasn't completed it.
  9. Still a great looking car after all these years.
  10. Makes sense. I was seeing a lot of cars with an "$XXXX Incentive" applied and now I'm guessing that comes from the seller instead of the buyer.
  11. I've always been curious about this. What's his reasoning for doing this compared to getting one fresh of the lot? Is he really saving any money?
  12. I found that too after a surprising amount of time on Google. Their donation hours are really weird, but oh well. What's your reason?
  13. Weird topic, I know. I've got a bunch of clothes sitting in my trunk, both women's clothes and lots of infant clothes. I really don't want to dump it at Goodwill. I'd rather give it to a group that needs it more as they're clothes my daughter has outgrown and are in great shape. I work in Delaware and live by Tuttle. Any ideas?
  14. Civic. I've been in several Altimas as rentals and I wouldn't recommend it other than as a rental.
  15. Well, there's big rebates on Tauruses and Focuses. There are some good rebates on Fusions if you get them with the bigger EcoBoost engines. But the largest amounts are on the first two.
  16. Fiji ST

    Prime Day

    This was a God-send in my house. Saved my wife from buying more crap.
  17. I say this all the time, but I LOVE these BMWs. Looks awesome now and those BBS'.....
  18. I had my car repaired last year at Rife's in Westerville. They did a good job initially, however the rear fender developed a big spot of rust on the lip where they taped it off and it let moisture in, causing about 4 inches or so of rust. Thankfully I noticed it. Now, they did repair it without any issue, covered a rental and were very apologetic the whole time, but still makes me a little leery of their work. Plus I reviewed my dash cam after the fact and their painter had some not nice things to say about having to fix his screw up. Like Tom said above, it's a crap shoot. Any time I've had to have a car repaired, there has always been an issue(s) after the fact. Just find a shop that you know will stand behind their work.
  19. Drive around last night as well with the family. There were a bunch of cars at the Crowne Plaza in Dublin from the Arthritis Car Show. Then we went up to Crosswoods and the wife was shocked how many people were sitting along the road there. We tried to get up towards QSL too but it was packed and traffic was CRAZY. So many cops everywhere.
  20. What's your budget? What else does he like? I'd rent a place near a lake and get a boat. I hear Apple Valley is pretty cool and they've got a night scene. Go a little farther to Deep Creek and you can rent a big house, do some boating and hiking around the Wisp Ski Resort. Spent 20+ years down there so I can give you some advice about that area. Another idea is go down and do some of the Bourbon Trail in KY. I did that last year and had a lot of fun. Beautiful country down around Lexington/Louisville too.
  21. Are you planning on DDing this one as well?
  22. God I hope so. It's been a good car outside of a few things starting to fail the past two years. But at 147k, stuff is bound to go bad.
  23. I'm impressed that it's an AWD Fusion. That's pretty rare.
  24. Did she do the "flash" too? I haven't noticed the shimmy at all since I had fresh fluid put in last week. We will see as the miles run up, but we put around 250 miles on the CR-V this weekend and it feels a lot better.
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