The car I joined with is slowly rotting away somewhere in eastern Indiana. Surprised it's still on the road.
Have a fun car still (Actually 2). Don't see them going away any time soon.
This is my drive every morning and this is the best way to get north of Columbus. Sometimes 315 backs up because semis detour on it from some reason, but 23 always bottlenecks at Lazelle and is usually slow up to Orange Road.
We're getting some stuff off Amazon for the kid, but other than that, not really wanting to spend money. lol Might look for some mats for the wife's car today too. I told everyone not to get anything for me.
I was next to a guy at a light in South Arlington, car covered in snow, leaning over his wheel so he could see out of the phone-sized hole on his windshield he made for himself. Crept down the street at about 10 or so. It was the one time I wish there was a UA cop around.
You can usually tell who really is in a bad position. I've bought those people meals in the past and they are grateful. It's the ones that just want the cash will usually get nothing more than a shrug.
Worst one was a lady getting belligerent at the Dublin Kroger several years ago because no one wanted to give her gas money. Yelling, throwing stuff from her purse. Pretty sure she got arrested.
There are some professional panhandling couple around Sawmill/161 all the time. I've heard that the male's father is a big-time lawyer in town, but I haven't cared to look into it. I'm sure people on here have seen them before. I think the woman was pregnant for like 2 years.
Do you want to part with one of those ERs??
To add, Giant Eagle does their weekly releases every Saturday morning, so prepare to stand in line. Also keep an eye out on for updated inventory. It's a little slow, but at least it exists.