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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. I watched it again, and if he had kept his foot off the gas when it started going sideways, he would've been okay. But it looks like he rode it all the way till it flipped, so maybe he knew he was fucked and thought it would make for a cool YouTube vid.
  2. "Oh fuck, that's not fucking good." Ya think??
  3. Finally. Someone else who thinks that whole concept is a joke. Mine are: -People who don't signal. -People who don't return phone calls. -People who can't accept any other views but their own. -People who fake being polite because they are terrified to be real with people or because everything has to be perfect and happy. -Parents who bring newborn babies to a loud action movie and don't leave when their kid starts crying because of the noise. I could go on, but I'm too lazy to.
  4. I have no idea how to get to your PB.
  5. This one looks promising. If I am at the right exit, there's two gas stations right across from each other, with a used car dealer inbetween them, right? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=harrisburg+pike,+grove+city,+ohio&sll=39.825051,-83.13303&sspn=0.015787,0.038581&ie=UTF8&ll=39.826587,-83.13965&spn=0.001973,0.004823&t=h&z=18
  6. I would prefer one that is more run down/has been closed for a while. But if i have to, any gas station that's empty and closed will hopefully work out for what I am looking for. That would be cool, but that might be too far of a hike for me tomorrow.
  7. Anyone know where I can find an out-of-business gas stations? Would like to use one for a photoshoot. The more deteriorated, the better, but please don't direct me to a death trap. Thanks.
  8. Some of the Mazda guys should be there.
  9. Fuck "The Notebook". I've never been so angry at a movie in my entire life. Honestly, the movies I thought I wouldn't like, but loved, would have to be the Bourne movies. I never, ever though of Matt Damon in that role, but those movies are fantastic. Damon does a terrific job in those movies and it's a total shocker. Another one I like is "10 Things I Hate About You".
  10. Fiji ST

    New to CR

    I know there are at least four GXPs at Tobin's. And the GXPs are amazing cars. I got to hot-lap one earlier this year and it was a wonderful surprise.
  11. You want me to swing by and let you test drive my Prius??
  12. If that isn't an epic fail, I don't know what is.
  13. Pork chops marinated in a Mesquite-BBQ sauce, steamed cauliflower and a baked potato with all the fixings.
  14. It might be. He did say he got it in June.
  15. I talked to that guy last Friday out in Powell. I'm hoping he lets me take it out some afternoon and do an article on the car.
  16. I'll be traveling to Pittsburgh in a damn Prius.
  17. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check it out.
  18. Nevermind. You don't like wine.
  19. Fiji ST


    No, that's next year on 10/10/10
  20. Fiji ST


    I love today, but I doubt anyone will know why.
  21. When my mom's car broke down last month in IL (there's a thread about it), she called AAA and within an hour, they had her car towed to a local shop where Hertz was waiting for her with a rental. AND they saved her something like $25-30/day on her rental.
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