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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. I saw that car at Doc's as well. You should have had the hood popped with all those goodies underneath.
  2. Please don't compare his car to a Vibe. His car looks nothing like that POS. The new 2010s, now those do look like a POS Vibe.
  3. That's great. "You need to run mix-gas in that weedwacker motor you have under the hood". Classic.
  4. Anyone remember this? http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=2009031203500646
  5. Fiji ST

    mazda3 owners

    Good shit. Thank you. I'll pick it up after you get back from vacation.
  6. Fiji ST

    mazda3 owners

    That's not the same color as my car. Too light. Oh well, thanks anyway. Hopefully you can get the other two things.
  7. There are a couple forums I used to be on that doesn't allow swear words at all, let alone risque photos. The Mazda forum I'm on now allow swearing, but no nudity. But then they have stupid rules like you're not allowed to bump your own For Sale thread, you have to be on-topic in any section other than the Lounge area or you get posts deleted/warned.
  8. Fiji ST

    mazda3 owners

    That's cool. Figured I would ask. And I was serious about the side skirts. If it's titanium grey, if you could get me those and the mounting hardware I'd slip you a few $$$ for your trouble. I doubt insurance would notice since half the 3 sedans didn't come with them.
  9. Fiji ST

    New pics

    He definitely was. Probably figured the Sheriff officers hauling ass up 23 could handle it and he can come check out the cars.
  10. Fiji ST

    New pics

    They're probably too busy dealing with attempted suicides, or whatever was occurring at that time.
  11. If I'm with Megan Fox, I'm not going to care what her thumb looks like.
  12. Fiji ST

    New pics

    But just think of the lol's you guys would get telling us about your night in Delaware County jail.
  13. Fiji ST

    mazda3 owners

    -The plastic part that goes around the gas and trunk release. You'll need a Phillips to take the screw out. -The dash trim that goes around the radio display across to the pass. side vent. -The intake tube from the airbox to the throttle body. What color is the car? Does it have side skirts?
  14. When I worked for a Mercedes dealer, one of the drivers accidentially left a two-month old 2008 S550 in reverse, which rolled backward into the open garage door frame, damagind the rear pass. fender, taillight and bumper. It was hilarious to see this car sitting there, then ever so slowly start rolling backwards with no one in it. Course, the owner didn't feel the same way.
  15. At least your foot is healing and you're becoming more mobile. Money and jobs come and go. Your health is much more valuable than both.
  16. That sucks. Had someone put two dents in my rear fender three weeks after buying my car, so I know all about assholes like that. Good luck getting it repaired.
  17. Fiji ST

    mazda3 owners

    Let me think and I'll get back to you.
  18. Fiji ST

    New pics

    Great pictures Alex. I bet there's a door or window out back that was probably wide open too.
  19. I don't have any pictures of my boat or I would share them with you.
  20. I know QS&L at Polaris is hated now, but I was told last night that SlowMotion is holding a cruise-in every Friday night this summer out there. Don't shoot the messenger, just passing it along.
  21. I cannot download In Your Face. Anyone else having this issue?
  22. I got an old BB and a newer Samsung flip I'll sell you.
  23. Car looks and sounds really nice Patrick.
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