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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. What the news clip didn't say was whether or not he was still able to get the satellite dish installed? I feel that’s a critical part of the story… I mean if he’s able to get a hella good signal, then not all is lot amiright? Okay, that’s fucked up, sorry. But damn, how stupid can you be? At what point does firing off a gun to put holes in your wall seem like a safe way to accomplish your goals?


    First off, I lol'd at the first half of your statement.


    Second, it's Missouri. Need I say more?

  2. Were you the same exact distance from the gas station each time?

    Were these fill-ups made at the same time of day each time? (Read: same temperature)

    Don't remember distances exactly, but I believe I filled up every time on the way home from work, which was the same time every evening.


    Hardcore... maybe? However, when your results are something as specific as 1.9mpg, it's hard to overlook the multiple margins for variation in your testing.


    When you're testing in real-world conditions with lots of variables (your own driving style, distance being some of them), saying "I noticed about a 5mpg difference on average" is a more acceptable answer to throw out. But when there are so many thing within and out of your control that may change the conditions between testing, you can't throw out "1.9 mpg difference" and expect all of us to take a hit from our cob pipes and say "mmm hmmmm, highly intriguing my good man."


    Just my two cents. :cool:


    I tried to keep my variables to a minimum by only driving to work and. My side trips were usually kept to one to two trips per tank, which was 14 miles each way on a beltway with stop lights traveling no more than 60mph. (probably should've included that tidbit.) There is no way to control all variables but I tried to make sure they were at a minimum if I could help it.


    My little experiment wasn't an attempt to be groundbreaking or the "be all, end all" on choosing your gas station. It stemmed from a conversation with friends about getting better mileage using other gas besides Sunoco because of the higher Ethanol percentage in their gas. I was just stating my results as more of a conversation piece than true fact. You can either drop your corn cob pipe in amazement or disregard everything I've said. It's no skin off my back either way. ;)

  3. ROFL. That is a hardcore test you did there. For all you know, the wind was at your back that day or you followed a semi a little longer than usual. :rolleyes:


    No, this was done using my back and forth to work 8.5 miles each way with the occasional side trip to see a friend. Taking the same route in 85% urban driving, driving in my usual slightly aggressive manner. Switched from Sunoco to BP, then back to Sunoco. I filled up each time when my low-fuel light came on. Used the same pump at each stations for my 3 fill-ups at each station. Filled up plus two clicks each time.


    Calculated the miles and the gallons used and I got a 1.9 mpg difference in favor of BP.


    That hardcore enough for you now?

  4. Big thanks to Doc for opening his place up to everyone. Glad we got to chat for a few minutes about your cars. Those Toyotas are so badass.


    This was my first event to meet people in a long time and I'm glad I was able to make it. Thanks to SlowMotion for coming out with their equipment. I'm thrilled my car wasn't the slowest one to run on the dyno. :lol:


    Can't wait for the next one.

  5. I never said that a little bit more cushion isn't a good thing, I'm just not attracted to that particular girl.


    Okay. Figured there was a specific reason.


    Oh, and if anyone wants to see a hot, fat-assed latina girl, Google Vida Guerra.

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