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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. If this happens, this will truly be sad. Seems like they are still hoping that trucks and SUVs will keep selling with GMC instead of bringing us more performance-oriented vehicles that everyone seems to be asking for.


    They better not kill off the Solstice or the G8.

  2. (412)95-2295 <-- missing a #?


    I will be there around 7:15


    614 282 4685 -- Ryan


    Sorry about that. I'll send you a text message in a few minutes.



    I say fill up ahead of time, people have tanks usually but don't count on it. Fill the tires to the max, you can always let air out later.


    Shorts are fine, just no bare feet or anything. Hell I believe sandals are allowed.


    No tape or numbers needed, instructors will help students keep track of their times as no other timing and scoring will be done.


    While I can make no solid promise on anything, "Doc" on here had signed up to go and can't now, he is offering his spot to any member here for no cost. Just show up and you can take his spot but I can't gaurantee registraion will allow this though, still might be worth a shot.


    See you guys in the morning!!!


    Thanks for the answers.

  3. this one?



    2437 Taylor Park Dr

    Reynoldsburg, OH 43068


    map link


    That's the one.



    I have a couple quick noob questions for tomorrow.


    1. Is anyone bringing an air pump to fill up their tires? Wondering if I should do it here in town or wait until I get out there.

    2. Are we allowed to wear shorts, or do we have to wear pants? Looked around and didn't find an answer on OVR.

    3. We do not need to bring tape/shoe polish for numbers since this is the school day, correct?

  4. I just changed the oil in my neighbors altima and less than a quart came out of the pan....I asked him when the last time he changed it was and he told me "Well i dont really change it persay' date='I just add new oil when it gets low so its like an oil change kinda."[/quote']


    Hope you punched him in the face for his stupidity.

  5. Can anyone recommend a place to get my P&S repaired? I dropped the fucking thing and now the lens won't move. Still powers up, but then shuts off immediately. I am hoping I can get it fixed because I sure as hell don't want to buy another one.


    Let me know.

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